How do I write some expression to the console screen from an MFC application?
I have an application mfc
that I launch via the command line. Where I will enter some specified syntax. If I gave incorrect syntax, at the moment I am showing a message box. But instead of showing the message, I can write the same message to the same console, where am I trying to run my application?
Can someone kindly let me know how we can write to the console from an MFC application.
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3 answers
I think Console :: WriteLine () and AttachConsole () can do the trick
#include "windows.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "kernel32.lib")
int main()
AttachConsole(-1); //Use the console of the parent of the current process.
Console::WriteLine("wrongsyntax"); //This will write to the command prompt
Application::Run(gcnew Project::MyForm);
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This is useful:
How do I get the exit code of an application from the Windows command line?
Start /wait program.exe
Echo %errorlevel%
So, display a prompt, run the application, the application will set the error number in InitInstance and exit, then you will see the error number.
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