How do I write some expression to the console screen from an MFC application?

I have an application mfc

that I launch via the command line. Where I will enter some specified syntax. If I gave incorrect syntax, at the moment I am showing a message box. But instead of showing the message, I can write the same message to the same console, where am I trying to run my application?

Can someone kindly let me know how we can write to the console from an MFC application.


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3 answers

I think Console :: WriteLine () and AttachConsole () can do the trick


#include "windows.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "kernel32.lib")

int main()
    AttachConsole(-1);  //Use the console of the parent of the current process.

    Console::WriteLine("wrongsyntax");  //This will write to the command prompt

    Application::Run(gcnew Project::MyForm);




This is useful:

How do I get the exit code of an application from the Windows command line?

Start /wait program.exe
Echo %errorlevel%


So, display a prompt, run the application, the application will set the error number in InitInstance and exit, then you will see the error number.



You can use cout

to display data on console like:

std::cout<< "Hello World"




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