Laravel: returning a view from a controller

I am trying to find out how to use Laravel 5, but I am facing a problem. So far I've created the following code:

under app/HTTP/routes.php



Route::get('/', 'MyController@home');


Created my own MyController.php

file in app\Http\Controllers

and added the following code to the controller:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;

class MyController extends BaseController
    public function home()
        $name = "John Doe";
        return View::make("index")->with("name", $name);


When I run the application, I get the error:

FatalErrorException in MyController.php line 12:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\View' not found


What am I doing wrong?


source to share

1 answer


return View::make("index")->with("name", $name);



return \View::make("index")->with("name", $name);


or even better

return view("index",compact('name'));




- Facade

is a wrapper class and view()

is a helper function that returns an instance View




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