Manipulating reports returned in the active recording area

TL; DR . Is there a way to define a scope so that I can manipulate the records found in a query that uses that scope before returning it? Can I use the data returned by a query to prepopulate arbitrary values โ€‹โ€‹in a collection of records, just like rails can "preload" association data?

Basically, I have a database table that contains hierarchical information, so each row has a parent, and there are many times when I have to iterate up and down the hierarchy to get the parent or child nodes. To improve performance, we actively use the Postgresql WITH RECURSIVE query, which allows us to quickly capture all decoders for a given set of node ids. On my real model, I have two key methods that use this type of request: instance method descendants

and scope find_with_all_descendants(*ids)

. However, if I have a collection of these models and I want to loop through and get descendants for each by calling descendants

, I end up creating a query for each record. So my current code looks like this

collection = Node.find_with_all_descendants(1,2,3,4)

# collection gets passed around to other parts of the program ...

collection.each do |node|
  # other parts of the program do stuff with node.descendants, resulting in    
  # a select N+1 issue as the query for descendants fires



Which would be great if I could call Node.find_with_all_descendants(*ids)

and then pre-build the collection of descendants, so subsequent calls descendants

for any of the returned records end up in the cached data rather than result in another request. So my method Node.descendants

might look like this.

def descendants
  return @cached_descendants if @cached_descendants
  # otherwise execute big sql statement I'm not including 


Then I just need to find a place where I can set @cached_descendants

for records returned by queries that usefind_with_all_descendants

But given that this is scoped and all I can get back is an active post association, I don't understand how I can tweak this cached value setting. Is there any hook where I can run the code after any queries that use my scope find_with_all_descendants

return their records?

UPDATE: Including related methods upon request. In addition, including mannequins for correcting monkeys, we use the depth and path of the nodes for completeness of loading.

scope :find_with_all_descendants, -> (*ids) do
  tree_sql =  <<-SQL
    WITH RECURSIVE search_tree(id, path, depth) AS (
        SELECT id, ARRAY[id], 1
        FROM #{table_name}
        WHERE #{table_name}.id IN(#{ids.join(', ')})
        SELECT #{table_name}.id, path || #{table_name}.id, depth + 1
        FROM search_tree
        JOIN #{table_name} ON #{table_name}.parent_id =
        WHERE NOT #{table_name}.id = ANY(path)
    SELECT id, depth, path FROM search_tree ORDER BY path

  if ids.any?
    rel = select("*")
      .joins("JOIN (#{tree_sql}) tree ON = #{table_name}.id")
      .send(:extend, NodeRelationMethods)

def descendants

# This defines the methods we're going to monkey patch into the relation returned by
# find_with_all_descendants so that we can get the path and the depth of nodes
module NodeRelationMethods
  # All nodes found by original ids will have a depth of 1
  # depth is accessible by calling node.depth
  def with_depth
    # Because rails is a magical fairy unicorn, just adding this select statement
    # automatically adds the depth attribute to the data nodes returned by this
    # scope
    select("tree.depth as depth")

  def with_path
    # Because rails is a magical fairy unicorn, just adding this select statement
    # automatically adds the path attribute to the data nodes returned by this
    # scope"tree.path as path")



source to share

3 answers

It looks like it can be done by overriding . Here's some sample code boiled down to bare aspects

scope :find_with_all_descendants, -> (*ids) do
  #load all your records here...

module IncludeDescendants

  def exec_queries
    records = super
    records.each do |r|
      #pre-populate/manipulate records here before returning



Basically rails calls Relation # exec_queries just before returning records. By extending the relationship that we return in our scope, we can override exec_queries. In the overriden method, we get the original results of the method, then process them, and then return



If you add path[1]

to selection, you can use Ruby group_by

(not AR group

, which is for SQL GROUP BY

) to group the selected records by the top level parent ID. I wrote an example of this below, with some scope refactoring to take advantage of chaining:

def self.all_descendants
  tree_sql =  <<-SQL
    WITH RECURSIVE search_tree(id, path, depth) AS (
        SELECT id, ARRAY[id], 1
        FROM (#{where("1=1").to_sql}) tmp
        SELECT #{table_name}.id, path || #{table_name}.id, depth + 1
        FROM search_tree
        JOIN #{table_name} ON #{table_name}.parent_id =
        WHERE NOT (#{table_name}.id = ANY(path))
    SELECT id, depth, path FROM search_tree ORDER BY path
  SQL"*, tree.depth as depth, tree.path as path, tree.path[1] AS top_parent_id")
    .joins("JOIN (#{tree_sql}) tree ON = #{table_name}.id")

def descendants
  self.class.where(id: id).all_descendants.where.not(id: id)


This way you can do the following:

collection = Node.where(id: [1,2,3,4]).all_descendants
collection.group_by(&:top_parent_id).each do |top_parent_id, descendant_group|
  top_parent = descendant_group.detect{|n| == top_parent_id}
  top_parent_descendants = descendant_group - top_parent
  # do stuff with top_parent_descendants




This is very far from what you want, but I ran into very similar problems and I am wondering if a recursive gem request was considered or if it was available at the time and if it suits your needs in this case? I was hoping it would not render the main class harmless and not ideally override a method in ActiveRecord, but this seems to be a solid DSL-style extension to solve what I think is a fairly common problem:



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