R - generates all combinations of 2 vectors of given constraints

I would like to generate all combinations of two vectors with two constraints: there can never be more than three characters from the first vector, and there must always be at least one character from the second vector. I would also like to change the final number of characters in the combination.

For example, here are two vectors:



Let's say I need 3 characters in combination. Possible permutations: "A" "B" "X"

or "A" "Y" "Z"

. An unacceptable permutation would be: "A" "B" "C"

because at least one character from vec2


Now tell me I need 5 characters in combination. Possible valid permutations are: "A" "C" "Z" "Y"

or "A" "Y" "Z" "X"

. An invalid permutation would be: "A" "C" "D" "B" "X"

since vec2

there are> 3 characters from.

I guess I could use expand.grid

to create all the combinations and then somehow subsets, but there should be an easier way. Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

I'm not sure if it's easier, but you can remove permutations that don't satisfy your conditions with this strategy:

  • create all combinations of vec1

    that are acceptable.

  • create all combinations of vec2

    that are acceptable.

  • generate all combinations that make one solution out of 1. + one solution out of 2. Here I will filter with condition 3. After that

  • (if you are looking for combinations, you're done, otherwise :) do all the permutations of the letters in each result.

Now let

vec1 <- LETTERS [1:4]
vec2 <- LETTERS [23:26]

## lists can eat up lots of memory, so use character vectors instead.
combine <- function (x, y) 
  combn (y, x, paste, collapse = "")

res1 <- unlist (lapply (0:3, combine, vec1))
res2 <- unlist (lapply (1:length (vec2), combine, vec2))


now we have:

> res1
 [1] ""    "A"   "B"   "C"   "D"   "AB"  "AC"  "AD"  "BC"  "BD"  "CD"  "ABC"
[13] "ABD" "ACD" "BCD"
> res2
 [1] "W"    "X"    "Y"    "Z"    "WX"   "WY"   "WZ"   "XY"   "XZ"   "YZ"  
[11] "WXY"  "WXZ"  "WYZ"  "XYZ"  "WXYZ"

res3 <- outer (res1, res2, paste0)
res3 <- res3 [nchar (res3) == 5]


So here you are:

> res3


If you prefer the results to be broken down into individual letters:

res <- matrix (unlist (strsplit (res3, "")), nrow = length (res3), byrow = TRUE)
> res
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
 [1,] "A"  "B"  "C"  "W"  "X" 
 [2,] "A"  "B"  "D"  "W"  "X" 
 [3,] "A"  "C"  "D"  "W"  "X" 
 [4,] "B"  "C"  "D"  "W"  "X" 



[51,] "C"  "W"  "X"  "Y"  "Z" 
[52,] "D"  "W"  "X"  "Y"  "Z" 


What are your combinations.



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