Convert text to and from Serbian letters

How do I add the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet to my HTML so that my browser will recognize it?

I need, for example, to make "Povrce" in "Damage".

I just need the code, so when I type "Damage" or "Povrce", the browser can show it.


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3 answers

What do you mean transliterating latin for Serbian Cyrillic (or vice versa). This is not a problem, since transliteration is a reversible transformation one character at a time (while the transcription is phonetic). Just set up the "associative" object with alphabet and then map()

accordingly. Has some proof of concept:

var latinString = 'Povrce';
var latinToSerbian = { "P":"", "o":"", "v":"", "r":"", "c":"Ρ›", "e":"" /* ... */ };
var serbianString = latinString.split('').map(function(character){
    return latinToSerbian[character];
console.log( latinString + ' = ' + serbianString ); // Povrce = Ρ›


For HTML, of course, there are always entities to resort to. By looking at the Cyrillic Unicode block , you can easily translate characters into their decimal or hexadecimal code points:

element.innerHTML = 'Поврће';
element.onclick = function(){ alert('\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0440\u045B\u0435'); };


If you want transliteration on the fly when typing on a website, use charCodeAt () , <input>

for the entered text, and something like strings:

var latinToCyrillic = { "80": 1055 /* entire alphabet */ };
var cyrillicToLatin = { "1115" : 263 /* entire alphabet */ };
var toCyrillic = function(character){
    return String.fromCharCode(latinToCyrillic[character.charCodeAt(0)]);
var toLatin = function(character){
    return String.fromCharCode(cyrillicToLatin[character.charCodeAt(0)]);
    toCyrillic('P'), // === ""
    toLatin('Ρ›')     // === "Δ‡"




I made this solution, a little simple, but maybe it can help you:

var ss=["NJ","V","O","Δ†","E","P","R","D","I","A"];
var cyr=["Њ","","","Π‹","","","","","",""];
for(var i=0;i<ss.length;i++) {
    var tt=cyr[i];
    pp=pp.replace(new RegExp(ss[i], "g"),tt);


There is a jsfiddle example, also

The meanings of the characters in ss

and cyr

are important. So, first place characters like lj

and nj


Update: By using a text box and after losing focus, the phrase will be converted. Of course, you have to put all characters in arrays.

function chChar(ele) {
    var pp=ele.value;
    var ss=["NJ","V","O","Δ†","E","P","R","D","I","A"];
var cyr=["Њ","","","Π‹","","","","","",""];
for(var i=0;i<ss.length;i++) {
    var tt=cyr[i];
    pp=pp.replace(new RegExp(ss[i], "gi"),tt);

<input type="text" onblur="chChar(this);" /><br>
<div id="cyr"></div>

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A complete match for the transliteration of a language from the wikipedia list , including uppercase and lowercase, simply because no one else has listed it. Depending on the direction of transliteration, flip the display (currently Cyrillic-> Latin).

const langmap = {
    "": "A",
    "": "B",
    "": "V",
    "": "G",
    "": "D",
    "Π‚": "Đ",
    "": "E",
    "": "Ε½",
    "": "Z",
    "": "I",
    "Ј": "J",
    "": "K",
    "": "L",
    "Π‰": "Lj",
    "": "M",
    "": "N",
    "Њ": "Nj",
    "": "O",
    "": "P",
    "": "R",
    "": "S",
    "": "T",
    "Π‹": "Δ†",
    "": "U",
    "": "F",
    "": "H",
    "": "C",
    "": "Č",
    "Џ": "Dž",
    "": "Ε ",
    "": "a",
    "": "b",
    "": "v",
    "": "g",
    "": "d",
    "Ρ’": "Δ‘",
    "": "e",
    "": "ΕΎ",
    "": "z",
    "": "i",
    "ј": "j",
    "": "k",
    "": "l",
    "Ρ™": "lj",
    "": "m",
    "": "n",
    "њ": "nj",
    "": "o",
    "": "p",
    "": "r",
    "": "s",
    "": "t",
    "Ρ›": "Δ‡",
    "": "u",
    "": "f",
    "": "h",
    "": "c",
    "": "č",
    "џ": "dž",
    "": "Ε‘",

function remapLang (str) {
    return str.replace(/[^\u0000-\u007E]/g, function(a){ 
        return langmap[a] || a; 


Then testing the eyeball:

var tests = [
  "First name: , Last name: .",
  // --> First name: GEORGI, Last name: KOSTADINOV.
  "First name: , Last name: ."
  // --> First name: Dimitr, Last name: Stoev


I would like to point out that the tests above are real life examples, so the wiki seems to be missing an equivalent to the "deprecated" (?) "Hard sign" b that I think people still use? YMMV ...



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