Search module

I want grunt-browserify to include backbone in my project.

Excerpts from my grunt file:

browserify: {
  vendor: {
    src: ['client/requires/**/*.js'],
    dest: 'build/vendor.js'


This is an error when running grunt browserify:

Running the "browserify: vendor" task (browser)

Error: Cannot find submenu 'underscore' of module 'somePath / client / require / backbone'

As I understand the error message, browser search is highlighting from within the underlying web where it cannot find it.

I'm new to all the grunting and stack browsing, but there might be a problem that the browser needs to look for the require statements in the base file, but that the underscore file is not enclosed in the general js convention, i.e. module.exports is not used?

I follow the guide: Boerifitsirovannoe web application using ... the Backbone . I copied most of this project but updated all dependencies. I have included my own server side code which works fine after building it with a modified grunt file. The only thing that doesn't work is the browser task.

I tried changing my package.json file to include browser and even browser scrolling, but that doesn't seem to be the problem.


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