Unable to select bokeh tools
I have happily used bokeh to create graphs.
However, now when I create a new chart or load the previous chart, I cannot change the selection of instruments. Tool selection doesn't work
- In Chrome settings I have disabled and re-enabled javaScript
- In Chrome I have also reset the settings for here https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/3296214?hl=en
- I have restarted the machine several times.
- Using a different computer, the tools in one diagram can be selected just fine, so not the diagram itself, but I assumed the browser
My question is, how else can I "reset" Chrome? Or, if it's not a browser, what else depends on Bokeh to allow tool selection?
(using Anaconda 3.4, Bokeh 0.9.1, Windows 7, Chrome 44.0.2403.107 m)
For anyone else confused by this, here's the resolution:
This is because Chrome expects a touchscreen on my (non-touch) laptop. Follow the instructions below to fix it.
If you have a touchscreen device, it is possible that Chrome / Chromium is "flagged" to capture touch events, which prevents mouse interaction with Bokeh tools.
To fix this problem, you need to configure Chrome / Cromium to url bar and paste the following:
chrome: // flags / # touch events
then you will see something like:
Enable touch events Support for Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS Touch support is always enabled or disabled, or enabled when the touchscreen is detected at startup (automatically, by default). # Sensory events
and a drop-down button that you want to set to Disabled.
Unfortunately time is ticking and four years later this answer no longer works for Chrome 74.0.3729.169.
There are many flags associated with touch:
# touch-events (which is disabled by default)
# Top-chrome-touch user interface
# Disable touch-adjusting
# Enable-touch-drag
# document-passive-EVENT-listeners
# passive-EVENT-listeners-by-throw
# Enable-oversampling-input-events
I've disabled the others in various combinations and the behavior of the Bokeh tools doesn't change. It will take a random number of mouse clicks to run the reset tool or turn pan and zoom tools on / off.
The tools work fine in both Firefox and Edge, so this is definitely a Chrome issue that still hasn't been resolved.