DRY Code: Sass Bourbon why use some mixes?

Not sure if this question belongs on this board or not, but I was curious about the benefits, if any, of using some mixins in Bourbon. The whole point of Sass is to write DRY code, so why:

 @import margin(10 10 10 10);


when you can just use regular css like

 margin: 10px;



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1 answer

The Bourbon margin mixin takes four dimensions and maps them to the corresponding unidirectional property. I've never been a fan of unidirectional field properties, but according to CSSWizardry, they have the following benefits:

The advantages as I see them:

  • It is easier to define the vertical rhythm in one fell swoop.
  • More confidence in (re) moving components if you know their fields are all pushing in the same direction.
  • Components and elements do not have to live in a specific order if their margins are independent of adjacent sides.
  • Not caring about rolling borders means least of all worrying.

The example you provided will actually compile the following CSS:


.div {
    @import margin(10px 10px 10px 10px);



.div {
    margin-top: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    margin-left: 10px;


See the Bourbon Docs for more information on offsetting directional properties.



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