Panorama while zooming with scrollviewer in Windows 8.1 phone

I am working on a flipview to recreate something exactly like a photo app. I am facing an issue when limiting the scroll area (panning area), as I would not want the user to zoom in / out in a dark area where the image is not present. I can do this by inserting a stacked panel, but I have to specify its height and width as the width of the image. But I can’t set this as I can’t get the correct height and width of the image.


<ScrollViewer x:Name="theScrollViewer" 
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
ZoomMode="Enabled" MinZoomFactor="1" MaxZoomFactor="2" 
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
           <Image x:Name="theImage"
                       Stretch="Uniform" Source="Assets/2222.png"  />


Can anyone help me here how to do this? Or any alternatives.

Edit: It doesn't help to dynamically set the stackup height and width to a scaled version of the image height and width obtained by ImageProperties . Are there any alternatives


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1 answer

Figured out the answer (not that perfect though) thanks to this blog.

The main problems I faced were: When we don't



in this scrollviewer we get anchor to the unwanted effect on the left, and when we do it by default, we get a larger image and the image is not uniform. This is solved with a blog by setting the Flipview (parent) max height and maxwidth as the width of the device height with a converter. However, you will run into a problem when changing the orientation to take care of the onWindowSize event handler to reset the maxheight and width of the Flipview. (Though note that this is not a slick answer).



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