Can I access the bokeh "plotting" low level interface from the "higher level charts" object?

I used the HeatMap example here to get the graph below

enter image description here

Now I want:

1) Add x & y-axis labels

2) Reverse Y-axis range

3) Place the x-axis on top (not bottom)

Is this possible with the p handle in HeatMap?

If not, is it possible to return to the shape handle via p?

Code below:

from bokeh.charts import HeatMap, output_file, show
import pandas as pd


df = pd.DataFrame(
    dict(apples=[4, 5, 8],
        bananas=[1, 2, 4],
        pears=[6, 5, 4]),
    index=['2012', '2013', '2014'])

p = HeatMap(df, title='Fruits')

# 1) Want to label the axis
p.xlabel('This is a test label') # This does not appear

# 2) Want to reverse the Y axis: 2012:2014 to 2014:2012
p.y_range(start=2014, end=2012) # TypeError: 'FactorRange' object is not callable

# 3) Want to move the x axis (apples, bananas & pears) to the top, just under the title 'fruits'
# ?




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1 answer

As far as I can tell, it is not possible to access the properties of a shape from a high level chart like HeatMap. If anyone else is wondering about this, instead of using HeatMap, here's what I did:

  • I had to create ColumnDataSource,

  • Define a color code,

  • Create a figure: p = figure (...)

  • Then use the rect method, create each block separately with the corresponding color from the color map

An example of this approach:

After that, 3 things I wanted to do were possible:

1) Add x and y axis labels

p.xaxis.axis_label = 'my X label'

p.yaxis.axis_label = 'my y label'


2) Cancel the y-axis range

if y_names is the list of y categories:

p = figure(...., y_range=list(reversed(y_names), ...)


3) Place the x-axis at the top (not at the bottom)

p = figure(..., x_axis_location="above", ...)


It's not pretty, but it works.



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