How to get data attributes and values ​​as object in select options (using selected plugin)

I am using the plugin of choice ( here ) and I have a multiple choice where I want to get the values ​​returned as an object.

Here is the code:

<select class="chozen" id="entities" multiple>

   <option data-name="Joe Blow" data-id="3" data-age="27">Joe Blow</option>
   <option data-name="Trish Thompson" data-id="4" data-age="21">Trish Thompson </option>
   <option data-name="Sam Jones" data-id="5" data-age="43">Sam Jones</option>



Then I have a button to get the selected values ​​of that input as:

var vals = $ ("# entities"). val ();

And it returns an array from innerHTML of the selected values ​​as:

["Joe Blow","Trish Thompson","Sam Jones"]


(Note: if I set the attribute to "value", it will return the values ​​as an array, not innerHTML)

What I am trying to do is take the data attributes and put them in an array of objects like:

   {name:"Joe Blow",id:"3",age:"27"} ,


Does anyone have any suggestions? ....

I couldn't find anything in the chozen documentation.


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4 answers


        selectedAsJSON: function(){
            var result = [];
            $('option:selected', this).each(function(){
            return result;





The output will be an array of objects, where each data-

will be a property.

Update: It's important to note that this will work with any regular item select

, not just the selected one. Also, yours option

can have any data-

attr, will work as well.



Using $. val () , you will only get input / select values, try with : selected Selector to get all items. My working sample:

The code you must implement:

// build an array
var data = [];
$("#entities option:selected").map(function(){
    // push each selected option as an object with name, id and age
        name: $(this).data('name'),
        id: $(this).data('id'),
        age: $(this).data('age')




This works for me:

$(document).on( 'change' , ‘.myselect’ , function() {
    console.log( $('.myselect option:selected').data(‘value’) );


Basically, I got the selected option in the original <select>

and then got the data attribute of that element. Chosen gives you the cloned version <select>

, so you need to get the original link by asking for the selector twice.


$(document).on('change', '#mySelect', function(e) {
  var r = $('#mySelect option:selected').data('customF');

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

<div class="col-md-12">
  <select class="form-control" id="mySelect">
    <option value="value1" data-custom-f="Cool">Option 1</option>
    <option value="value2" data-custom-f="Awesome">Option 2</option>
  <div id="result"></div>

Run codeHide result

View in JSFiddle



I don't see anything in the plugin documentation, but you can use a little jQuery function to achieve what you need:

function returnSelectAsArray($object){    
    var dataArray = [],
        $selectedOptions = $object.find('option').filter(':selected'),

        $option = $(this);
            name: $option.attr('data-name'),
            id: $option.attr('data-id'),
            age: $option.attr('data-age'),
    return dataArray;

$('#entities').on('change chosen:change', function(){    





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