MongoError: Econnrefused

I am just learning MongoDB and Node.js. I am doing this very simple exercise from the video in which I am trying to connect my Node.js app to my MongoDB and I am getting this error:

{[MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED] name: "MongoError", message: "connect ECONNREFUSED"}

First of all, I set up a database on mongo and tested some commands in the terminal:

$mongod (everything ok)
$mongo (everything ok)


.. and then I created a database called "products" and added some products to it. When I hit:



It returns:

"_id": ObjectId("55b2b27d7f9f84490b8a9170"),
  "name": "beer",
  "description": "belgian craft beer",
  "price": 20
  "_id": ObjectId("55b2b2c27f9f84490b8a9171"),
  "name": "whisky",
  "description": "scotch blended 18 years old",
  "price": 150
  "_id": ObjectId("55b2b3e47f9f84490b8a9172"),
  "name": "cachaça",
  "description": "typical brazilian cachaça",
  "price": 10
  "_id": ObjectId("55b2b4087f9f84490b8a9173"),
  "name": "water",
  "description": "water from the swiss alps",
  "price": 5
  "_id": ObjectId("55b2b2617f9f84490b8a916f"),
  "name": "wine",
  "description": "red porto wine",
  "price": 80,
  "tags": [


My app.js:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var db = mongoose.connection;

db.on('error', function(err){
    console.log('Erro de conexao.', err)
db.on('open', function () {
    console.log('Conexão estabelecida.')
db.on('disconnected', function(err){


And my package .json:

  "name": "aula-mongoose",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "aula sobre mongoose",
  "main": "app.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [
  "author": "Guga",
  "license": "WTFPL",
  "dependencies": {
    "mongoose": "^4.1.0"


I read many posts about this, even the threads here. But I could not figure out what was wrong here.


By accident I tried to connect to $ mongod while it was already running and I was prompted with this error:

errno: 48 Address already in use for socket:

So, I changed this line in my app.js to:



And it worked. But I have no idea why. Anyone?


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2 answers

Nice job of finding an answer.

The problem was as you found, the port information was simply missing from the original localhost statement.

When placing development servers in the local field, localhost will require port assignments.



For others who come and have a problem like this. Make sure you read the installation notes for mongodb, especially the part of ensuring that the / data / db folder exists on your computer. If that doesn't create it!

And if you still have the problem, try running: sudo mongod &

to make sure mongo has the correct folder permissions!



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