Scala: extended syntax of batuming function breaks tail recursion

This is an exercise in Functional Programming in Scala, Chapter 13, to implement a trampoline for interpreting tail recursive functions.


is not tail recursive and floods the stack with my test inputs. Also, the annotation tailrec

gives a compiler error for runTrampoline2

. runTrampoline

is tail-recursive and passes compile-time checking annotations.

My best bet is that the difference between these two trampolines is what val

grabs or does not grab a Unit, like here:

scala> val foo = println("abc")
val foo = println("abc")
foo: Unit = ()

scala> foo

scala> val bar: Int = {println("xyz"); 5}
val bar: Int = {println("xyz"); 5}
bar: Int = 5

scala> bar
res8: Int = 5


Otherwise, these two trampolines look identical to me. I'll include code for Free monad and Suspend, Return and FlatMap in case anyone notices that they are important for this question, but I don't think they are. Is runTrampoline2

tail recursion a broken side effect leaking from val

s? Thank!

def runTrampoline[A](tra: Free[Function0,A]): A =
  tra match {
    // case Return(A)
    case Return(a1) => a1
    // case Suspend(Function0[A])
    case Suspend(function0A1) => function0A1()
    // case FlatMap(Free[Function0[_],A], A=>Free[Function0,B]]
    case FlatMap(free1, aFree2) => free1 match {
      // case Return(A)
      case Return(a2) => runTrampoline(aFree2(a2))
      // case Suspend(Function0[A])
      case Suspend(function0A) => runTrampoline(aFree2(function0A()))
      // case FlatMap(Free[Function0[_],A], A=>Free[Function0,B]]
      case FlatMap(a0,g) =>
        runTrampoline {
          a0 flatMap { a0 => g(a0) flatMap aFree2 }

def runTrampoline2[A](tra: Free[Function0,A]): A =
  tra match {
    // case Return(A)
    case Return(a1) => a1
    // case Suspend(Function0[A])
    case Suspend(function0A1) => {
      val a1: A = function0A1()
    // case FlatMap(Free[Function0[_],A], A=>Free[Function0,A]]
    case FlatMap(free1, aFree2) => free1 match {
      // case Return(A)
      case Return(a2) => {
        val free2: Free[Function0,A] = aFree2(a2)
        val a3: A = runTrampoline2(free2)
      // case Suspend(Function0[A])
      case Suspend(function0A) => {
        val a2: A = function0A()
        val free2: Free[Function0,A] = aFree2(a2)
        val a3: A = runTrampoline2(free2)
      // case FlatMap(Free[Function0[_],A], A=>Free[Function0,B]]
      case FlatMap(a0,g) =>
        runTrampoline2 {
          a0 flatMap { a0 => g(a0) flatMap aFree2 }


I asked a similar question a month ago about type annotations breaking tail recursion: Scala: type annotations make tail recursion check fail

Solved by Aivean. Here is the revised version of the trampoline. Each recursive call is at the very end of the case containing it.

def runTrampoline3[A](tra: Free[Function0,A]): A =
  tra match {
    case Return(a1) => a1
    case Suspend(function0A1) => {
      val a1 = function0A1()
    case FlatMap(free1, aFree2) => free1 match {
      case Return(a2) => {
        val free2 = aFree2(a2)
      case Suspend(function0A) => {
        val a2 = function0A()
        val free2 = aFree2(a2)
      case FlatMap(a0,g) =>
        runTrampoline3 {
          a0 flatMap { a0 => g(a0) flatMap aFree2 }



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1 answer

It looks like the Scala compiler only recognizes tail recursion when the call itself is the last operation in that function.

I have decompiled two different examples to test this.

Tail recursion:


def rec:Int = rec



public final class _$$anon$1 {
  private int rec() {
    while (true) {}


No tail recursion:


def rec:Int = {
  val i = rec



public final class _$$anon$1 {
  private int rec() {
    final int i = this.rec();
    return i;




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