How do I connect the playback lifecycle to a module instead of a plugin?

I see that the Plugin class is now deprecated (since version 2.4.x of the game) ... The api documentation says I should use modules instead ... so my question. How do I write a module and how do I connect this module to the reproduction lifecycle of the main application?


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1 answer

You don't specify which language you are using, so I'll cover both quickly. I base both answers on the following repositories:


  • Write your functionality any way you want - there are no concrete classes to extend. If you have dependencies on Play components such as Configuration

    you have to inject them.

    public class MyModuleCode {
        private final boolean enableWidgets;
        public MyModuleCode(final Configuration configuration) {
            this.enableWidgets = configuration.getBoolean("widgets.enabled", false);

Please note that dependency injection is used instead of static link. Also note that I have given this annotation example @Singleton

, but could also have a query scope, for example.

For more information, see the Play DI tabs

  1. Open the components of your module. To do this, extend the class play.api.inject.Module

    and implement public Seq<Binding<?>> bindings(final Environment environment, final Configuration configuration)


    package com.example.module;
    public class MyModule extends Module
        public Seq<Binding<?>> bindings(final Environment environment,
                                        final Configuration configuration)
            return seq(bind(MyModuleCode.class).toSelf().in(Singleton.class));

You can also bind implementations to interfaces here, configure instance providers, etc.

  1. If this is what you are publicly releasing a module, let's say you are doing it here - that is beyond the scope of the question. Let's also assume that you've added a dependency for a module in the project you're working on.

  2. Turn the module on application.conf


    play {
        modules {
            enabled += com.example.module.MyModule

  3. Components exposed through your module - just MyModuleCode

    in this example - are now available to embed in your controllers, actions, etc.

  4. If you want a disconnect hook, just insert ApplicationLifecycle

    into the component and register the hook; See for details .


  • Write your functionality any way you want - there are no concrete classes to extend. If you have dependencies on Play components such as CacheApi

    you have to inject them.

    class DefaultPatternCache @Inject() (cache: CacheApi) extends PatternCache {
        override def apply(value: String): Option[Pattern] = cache.getOrElse[Option[Pattern]](key = s"Deadbolt.pattern.$value") { Some(Pattern.compile(value)) }

Please note that dependency injection is used instead of static link. Also note that I have given this annotation example @Singleton

, but could also have a query scope, for example.

More on in docs for DI playback

  1. Open the components of your module. To do this, we extend the class play.api.inject.Module

    and implement it def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]]


    package com.example.module
    import com.example.module.cache.{DefaultPatternCache, PatternCache}
    import play.api.inject.{Binding, Module}
    import play.api.{Configuration, Environment}
    class MyModule extends Module {
        override def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]] = Seq(bind[PatternCache].to[DefaultPatternCache])

Here you can also bind implementations to traits, customize instance providers, etc.

  1. If this is what you are publicly releasing a module, let's say you are doing it here - that is beyond the scope of the question. Let's also assume that you've added a dependency for a module in the project you're working on.

  2. Turn the module on application.conf


    play {
        modules {
            enabled += com.example.module.MyModule

  3. Components exposed through your module - just MyModuleCode

    in this example - are now available to embed in your controllers, actions, etc.

  4. If you want a disconnect hook, just insert ApplicationLifecycle

    into the component and register the hook; See for details .


Modules are nothing special anymore - they are just a way of grouping injectable components.



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