Merging two arrays using keys

So I have two arrays.

$user_ids = array('123','124','125');
$names = array('john','bob','susie');


All arrays are now mapped. This means 123 is the user_id for john, 124 is the user_id for Bob, etc. (So ​​both arrays have matching keys)

But I want to get a multidimensional array for each user with their user_id and name instead of having them separately.


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2 answers

You can try using array_combine()

or as array_map()

per your requirement

$user_ids = array('123','124','125');
$names = array('john','bob','susie');

$new_array = array_combine($user_ids, $names);



$new_array = array_map(function($name, $id){
    return array('id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name);}, $names, $user_ids




$multiarr = array("id" => $user_ids, "names" => $names);




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