Getting and assigning values ​​of form element in Javascript module template

I need to access all elements on a form with Module pattern

. In a nutshell, I want to avoid duplicate code and only use one module to organize.

How can I do this without calling the Anonymous function from the module:

Instead of writing like this: FormData.LastName()

I just want it to look like this:FormData.LastName;

Below is the example I tried:

'use strict';

FormData = (function() {

    var formElement = document.forms.signup;

    return {

        LastName: function(){
            return formElement.lName.value;

        SendBtn: function(){
            return formElement.submitSignupForm;



Make calls to the module and get the internal values ​​of the object to it without the need for Global

and exposure


FormData.SendBtn().addEventListener('click', function(e){

    document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = FormData.LastName();

}, false);


Another variation:

'use strict';

FormData = (function() {

    var formElement = document.forms.signup;

    var LName = function(input){

            return input.lName.value;

    var SendBtn = function(input){

            return input.submitSignupForm;

    return {

        LastName: LName(formElement),
        SendBtn:  SendBtn(formElement)


FormData.SendBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e){

    document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = FormData.LastName;


}, false);



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1 answer

Use Object.defineProperty

better docs: JavaScript / Reference / Global_Objects / Object / defineProperties

var Mod = (function(){
    var module, formElement;
    module = {};
    formElement = document.forms.signup;

    Object.defineProperty(module, 'LastName', {
        get: function () {
            return formElement.lName.value;
        writable: false,
        enumerable: true,
        configurable: true
    return module;




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