What does the mean in [dcl.constexpr] / 3 mean

In [dcl.constexpr] / 3 ( http://eel.is/c++draft/dcl.constexpr#3 ), what does it mean to contain in "or a compound statement that does not contain "?

For example:

constexpr int f(bool b) {
     return b ? ([]() { goto x; x: return 1; })() : 2;

int main() {}


Doesn't the compound statement that contains the body f

: s contain a goto statement?

I am not getting an error from Clang or GCC for this example.


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1 answer

If you try to use this function in context constexpr

, you get the corresponding error:

constexpr int f(bool b) {
     return b ? ([]() { goto x; x: return 1; })() : 2;

int main() {
    static_assert(f(true)==2, "");    


non-literal type 'const (lambda at main.cpp: 2: 18)' cannot be used in constant expression

Eliminating the lambda, but keeping the goto will also give an error:

constexpr int g() { goto x; x : return 1; }

constexpr int f(bool b) {
     return b ? g() : 2;

int main() {
    static_assert(f(true)==2, "");    


main.cpp:1:21: error: statement not allowed in constexpr function
constexpr int g() { goto x; x : return 1; }




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