Access Denied [403] when updating client user accounts in Meteor

I am reading the docs for Meteor here and the useraccounts package here but cannot find an answer. I added the useraccounts package successfully and created some users, but now I want to add some data to the entry in the collection for the given user.

For example after creating an account and logging in. I want the user to be able to add / edit some fields in their post (short bio, etc.), but I keep getting a 403 error on execution Meteor.users.update(..)


My login config file can be found here .

Code causing the error:{
    'submit form': function(e) {

        var profileInfo = {
            displayName: $('[name=displayName]').val(),
            tagLine: $('[name=tagLine]').val(),
            aboutMe: $('[name=aboutMe]').val()

            { _id: Meteor.userId()},
            { $set: profileInfo},
            function (err) {
                if(err) {
                    console.log('there was an error submitting editProfile data');
                } else {


Executing the console logs shows what is being Meteor.userId()

returned correctly, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm guessing it's an allow / deny issue, but I don't even know where to start troubleshooting.

The exact error:

error: 403

errorType: "Meteor.Error"

: "Access Denied [403]"

reason: "Access Denied"


source to share

1 answer

By removing the package insecure

, client write access will be denied by default. If you want to allow clients to write directly to the collection, you need to define rules.

For example:

    update: ownsDocument

ownsDocument = function (userId, doc) {
    return doc && doc.userId === userId;


The function ownsDocument()

checks if the specified userId

document has. In addition to postback, update

you can set rules for insert

and remove


Learn more about Meteor collection.allow (options) , access the demo app, or clone the repository .



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