Why does container div not wrap child divs (which overflow container)

I am trying to put a title and description in a div that will wrap them. I have a <div class="category_border">

wrapped title and description, but they fall out of it for some reason. I created a violin to show what it does. Why don't they get in <div class="category_border">




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1 answer

Add overflow: auto

to class .category_border


Here's your updated demo:

The reason your title and description overflow contains div

is because both styles have float: left

. When you float an element, it is pulled out of the normal flow. Hence, as far as the container is concerned div

, they do not exist.

The answer lies in "cleaning" the floats. There are many ways to do this. One way is to add overflow: auto

to the container. This causes the container to expand to the height of the floated elements.

Here's a bit more if you're interested:

Cleaning floats: an overview of the different clearfix methods

How floats are placed

Good luck!



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