Linking an openCV project to a client

I am a newbie with clion and I want to compile my project.

If I compile it in the console: g ++ -o main.cpp -std = c ++ 11 pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs

-lboost_system ... it works fine.

When I add it to Cmake / Cache -> CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, it will be processed by "pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs", which is unnecessary.

Can anyone help me?


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1 answer

1. From the command line


: export CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = `pkg-config opencv --cflags -libs` (note the back ticks)

2. Inside the file CMakeLists.txt

/ your cmake file:

If you are using OpenCV 2.4 or newer, you can do this using only:

FIND_PACKAGE( OpenCV REQUIRED core highgui imgproc)


Another way:

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(OpenCV REQUIRED core highgui imgproc)


(add / subtract other OpenCV modules also as per your project requirements)



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