How to check if a specific time period exists between hours in PostgreSQL?

I have a shift table like this (simplified)

 id | hr_start |  hr_end
  1 | 08:00:00 | 15:59:59
  2 | 16:00:00 | 21:59:59
  3 | 22:00:00 | 03:59:59
  4 | 04:00:00 | 07:59:59


And I have alarming events (timestamps) that I need to check against rotation.

For example, if an alarm event occurs at 14:34 Hrs, then an offset of 1 is assigned, if an event occurs at 23:20 Hrs, then an offset of 3 is assigned, etc.

My first approach was like this:

FROM shifts 
WHERE hr_start < '09:23:00':TIME AND hr_end > '09:23:00':TIME;


And yes it works fine with IDs 1,2 and 4, but not 3.

Then I try to execute the BETWEEN request like this:

FROM shifts 
WHERE '09:23:00':TIME BETWEEN r_start AND hr_end;


With the same results

How can I get the record ID = 3 for an event that occurs between 22:00 and 03:59 Hrs?

My attempts at this sqlfiddle


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1 answer

Use CASE in WHERE clause:

FROM shifts
CROSS JOIN (SELECT '23:00:00'::TIME AS event) sub
    CASE WHEN hr_start <= hr_end THEN hr_start <= event AND hr_end >= event
    ELSE hr_start <= event OR hr_end >= event END;


Note. I've added a CROSS JOIN to make it easier to validate the request.



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