How to customize VS2015 signature popup text color?

I started using Visual Studio 2015 and one thing I noticed is the new handy feature rich preview with fantastic formatting, depending on method, .ctor, property, etc. (compared to the open tooltip I see in VS2013), which looks like the following (mouse cursor not shown here):

enter image description here

However, this is most likely due to my overall text color and font setting, in the parts that are barely readable.

Does anyone know what is the correct name and category for this extended ToolTip found in VS Tools> Options> Environment> Fonts and Colors?


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2 answers

The tooltip code colors match the colors you set for the editor window. The white you see is the same as you see in the editor.

You might want to change the background color of the tooltip to something darker.



You want to change the "Tooltip Editor"

Use the following steps: Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors

Show settings for: Editor Tooltip

Adjust "Plain Text"



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