Boost :: spirit :: qi :: parse & # 8594; No result

Consider the following code:

namespace qi  = boost::spirit::qi;

typedef qi::rule<
> rule_type;

rule_type value_rule = +qi::char_ - ( '[' | qi::eoi );

std::string input( "Hello World" );
std::string value0, value1;

bool b0 = qi::parse( input.begin( ),
                     input.end( ),
                     value0 );

bool b1 = qi::parse( input.begin( ),
                     input.end( ),
                     +qi::char_ - ( '[' | qi::eoi ),
                     value1 );



b0 = true  
b1 = true  
value0 = ""  
value1 = "Hello World"


I am confused why the result is different. What is the correct type definition for qi :: rule to get the same result?


source to share

1 answer

You forgot to make a rule to declare its public attribute type:

typedef qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()> rule_type;


Live On Coliru

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>

namespace qi  = boost::spirit::qi;

int main() 
    std::string const input( "Hello World" );

        typedef qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()> rule_type;
        rule_type value_rule = +qi::char_ - ( '[' | qi::eoi );

        std::string value;
        bool ok = qi::parse( input.begin( ),
                input.end( ),
                value );

        std::cout << std::boolalpha << ok << "\t" << value << "\n";

        std::string value;
        bool ok = qi::parse( input.begin( ),
                input.end( ),
                +qi::char_ - ( '[' | qi::eoi ),
                value );

        std::cout << std::boolalpha << ok << "\t" << value << "\n";



true    Hello World
true    Hello World




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