RegEx PowerShell Compliance

I have the following website which displays songs, I want to record songs using RegEx and PowerShell. Below is the PowerShell code:

    $ie = New-Object -comObject InternetExplorer.Application
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    $null = $ie.Document.body.innerhtml -match 'data-chart-position="1"(.|\n)*data-track-title=.*content="(.*)"><a href(.|\n)*data-track-artist=\W\W>(.|\n)*<meta\scontent="(.*)"\sitemprop';$shazam01artist = $matches[5];$shazam01title = $matches[2]


data chart-position

track data-title

data track artist

Each of the songs listed has 3 values ​​(above) associated with each one, I want to capture the Artist and Title for each song based on different positions (numbers) of the chart. So a regex to find the actual position of the chart, then the final Artist and Title.

If I run RegEx separately for Artist and Title (code below) it finds them, however it only finds the first Artist and Title. I need to find the Artist and Title for each song based on a different position in the chart.

$null = $ie.Document.body.innerhtml -match 'data-track-artist=\W\W>(.|\n)*<meta\scontent="(.*)"\sitemprop';$shazam01artist = $matches[2]
$null = $ie.Document.body.innerhtml -match 'data-track-title=.*content="(.*)"><a href';$shazam01title = $matches[1]



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1 answer

Using a regular expression to parse partial HTML is an absolute nightmare, you may need to reconsider this approach.


returns a named property ParsedHtml

that contains a reference to the preprocessed HTMLDocument object. Use this instead:

# Fetch the document
$Top100Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ''

# Select all the "article" elements that contain charted tracks
$Top100Entries = $Top100Response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("article") |Where-Object {$_.className -eq 'ti__container'}

# Iterate over each article
$Top100 = foreach($Entry in $Top100Entries){
    $Properties = @{
        # Collect the chart position from the article element
        Position = $Entry.getAttribute('data-chart-position',0)

    # Iterate over the inner paragraphs containing the remaining details
    $Entry.getElementsByTagName('p') |ForEach-Object {
        if($_.className -eq 'ti__artist') {
            # the ti__artist paragraph contains a META element that holds the artist name
            $Properties['Artist'] = $_.getElementsByTagName('META').item(0).getAttribute('content',0)
        } elseif ($_.className -eq 'ti__title') {
            # the ti__title paragraph stores the title name directly in the content attribute
            $Properties['Title']  = $_.getAttribute('content',0) 

    # Create a psobject based on the details we just collected
    New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Properties


Now let's see how Tay-Tay is doing below:

PS C:\> $Top100 |Where-Object { $_.Artist -match "Taylor Swift" }

Position           Title             Artist
--------           -----             ------
42                 Bad Blood         Taylor Swift Feat. Kendrick Lamar





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