Change button Backcolor based on button name

I am currently writing a program for laboratory weighing. My form has a grid of 42 positions (7 rows of 6 samples = 1 rack) where each position is a button named "Buttonxx" (where xx stands for a position number, eg Button01, Button02, ..., Button42)

All information comes from the Oracle database via SQL.

I want to change the Backcolor of a specific button based on some of the information returned by SQL, namely if this sample should be weighted or not (ToDo = "Y" or "N") for a specific lab analysis (= "TitrType" in the code)

eg. In the code below, if for a certain rack only position 23 (ToDo = "Y") needs to be weighed for TAN (= Analysis / TitrType), then only the backlight of this button ("Button23") should be changed to LightSkyBlue

I am getting correct information from SQL and can change the name of the virtual button to the name of the ToDo position: DummyBtn.Name = "Button23"

But for some reason the background color doesn't change.

ps: I'm just a beginner programmer, so feel free to ask for more code or information if you need it.

Public Sub PrFillSampleGrid(TitrType As String, ByRef RS As System.Data.DataSet)
        Dim Pos As Integer = 0
        Dim TODO As String = ""

           For x = 0 To RS.Tables("test").Rows.Count - 1
            Pos = RS.Tables("test").Rows(x).Item("SERIESPOS")
            TODO = RS.Tables("test").Rows(x).Item("TODO")   
            For y = 1 To 42
                Dim DummyBtn As New Button
                Select Case TODO.ToUpper
                    Case TODO = "YES", "Y"

                        If y = Pos Then
                            DummyBtn.Name = "Button" & y
                            Select Case TitrType
                                Case Is = "AcIn"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Orange
                                Case Is = "TAN"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue
                                Case Is = "TBN"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Crimson
                                Case Is = "TBN2"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Yellow
                            End Select
                        End If
                    Case TODO = "NO", "N"
                        DummyBtn.BackColor = SystemColors.Control
                End Select
            Next y
        Next x
    End Sub



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3 answers

Try this:

Public Sub PrFillSampleGrid(TitrType As String, ByRef RS As System.Data.DataSet)
    For x = 0 To RS.Tables("test").Rows.Count - 1
        Dim Pos = CInt(RS.Tables("test").Rows(x).Item("SERIESPOS"))
        Dim TODO = CStr(RS.Tables("test").Rows(x).Item("TODO"))
        For y = 1 To 42
            For Each DummyBtn In Me.Controls.Find("Button" & y.ToString(), True).OfType(Of Button)()
                Select Case TODO.ToUpper
                    Case "YES", "Y"
                        If y = Pos Then
                            Select Case TitrType
                                Case Is = "AcIn"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Orange
                                Case Is = "TAN"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue
                                Case Is = "TBN"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Crimson
                                Case Is = "TBN2"
                                    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Yellow
                            End Select
                        End If
                    Case "NO", "N"
                        DummyBtn.BackColor = SystemColors.Control
                End Select
        Next y
    Next x
End Sub


The key change I made was the line For Each DummyBtn In Me.Controls.Find("Button" & y.ToString(), True).OfType(Of Button)()

. This looks for existing named buttons on the "Button" & y

form and assigns the existing button DummyBtn


Another thing I did was put Option Strict On

at the top of your code. This immediately highlighted a bunch of other bugs in your code, which I fixed.

It is always advisable to use Option Strict On

it as it puts VB in strict printing mode and many bugs will be fixed. Your line Case TODO = "YES", "Y"

is example code that may seem correct, but is not. It was evaluation Case "True", "Y"

or Case "False", "Y"

with help Option Strict Off




You have a problem with the Select

/ operator Case

. You don't need Is =

it as that means you have objects and you are checking for equality. The value you are testing is String

(which is Value Type

), which is a direct comparison.

Just use this: -

Select Case TitrType
  Case "AcIn"
    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Orange
  Case "TAN"
    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue
  Case = "TBN"
    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Crimson
  Case = "TBN2"
    DummyBtn.BackColor = Color.Yellow
End Select




If you use class-level declarations for buttons, you DummyBtn

never "connect" to them.

You need to do something like this before assigning BackColor


'Get a handle to the actual button
DummyBtn = CType(Me.ContainerName.Controls("Button" & y), Button)


Move Dim DummyBtn As New Button

so it is above the loop For y

and replace it with the following: -

Dim DummyBtn As Button




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