What's wrong with this mapping? Vim starts up - REPLACE - mode

I have a strange error in mine .vimrc

since I last updated it.

Every time I start vim it starts up in mode -- REPLACE --

which is really annoying.

I was able to figure out what exactly this line in mine .vimrc

is causing the problem.

" Disable search highlighting temporally
nnoremap <esc> :nohl<cr>


The problem goes away when I comment out this line.

I'm really confused about what's wrong with the display. It works as it should, but forces vim to enter -- REPLACE --

mode at startup.

I currently have no plugins.


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2 answers

It is best not to display the key Escas it is known to cause strange behavior:

I used <leader><space>

to turn off the backlight as suggested by "Coming Home to Vim" , maybe you can get used to it too.



I had the same problem, although it was inside tmux, when I ran vi (aka vim) it started in REPLACE mode. It looks like the culprit is the TERMCAP definitions for TERM I used: xterm-256color.

Once I set TERM to something else, vi (vim) worked correctly. Even the TERM "ansi" setting behaved better.

I settled on the "screen-256color-s" TERM setting, which works as I need it to.

Fun with TERMCAP definitions.



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