Calling an event handler programmatically in an MFC application

I am working on an MFC application (C ++)

My checkbox has an event handler associated with ON_BN_CLICKED

. It works great when the user checks / unchecks the checkbox i.e. The event handler is called.

However, when I programmatically inspect the window: no ((CButton *)this->GetDlgItem(x))-> ->SetCheck(1);

event handler is called.

What can I do to call a programmatic event handler?


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2 answers

This is normal behavior. WM_COMMAND is dispatched when a "click" or "custom post" button has changed the button.

This does not conflict with the child controls. Other child controls, such as the edit control, also send a WM_COMMAND EN_CHANGE message when the SetWindowText program is executed by the program (MFC blocks this message in DoDataExchange).



Try sending BN_CLICKED :

((CButton *)this->GetDlgItem(x))->GetSafeHwnd());




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