Laravel 5.0 extends Exit functionality

I recently set up sessions to be saved to the database and added a user_id field to the sessions table so that I can display the names of logged in users. To get laravel to persist the user id on login (unless laravel is looking for a regular user_id column) I had to add some code to the Authenticate.php file to handle it.

Now I'm trying to set the user_id field to a value null

when the user logs out, because currently, since the user_id field still contains the user id even after logging out, it still displays them as done in the log, although they no longer logged in. I want to extend auth / logout functionality without affecting vendor files to enable my function to set user_id to null on logout.

Where can I add this feature exactly? In the AuthController.php file? Is my own auth / logout route declaration added in routes.php?

If you have any questions for me or if I need to explain something better, please let me know.



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1 answer

You can put the following function in AuthController.php

to override the default function from AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers

. And you can change it according to your needs.

     * Log the user out of the application.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function getLogout()

        return redirect(property_exists($this, 'redirectAfterLogout') ? $this->redirectAfterLogout : '/');




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