Event log security error after installing Visual Studio 2015 Community

So, I just installed VS 2015 Community SxS with an existing VS 2013 Professional. Everything turned out to be installed correctly, however after installation, when you try to navigate to a locally hosted ASP.NET application in IIS, I get some kind of security exception related to event logs: enter image description here

I found that if I manually uninstall .NET Framework 4.6 the problem goes away (although then I can't use VS 2015.)

I guess I'm just looking for advice on exactly how to fix this issue further. I have looked through the event log browser (ironically) looking for anything that might help fix the problem, but I can't find anything. I don't understand what else I can try.


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2 answers

So it turns out that a particular HTTP module is somehow the culprit. This is directly related to another question I posted (at the time I thought they were different things):

There is no EventLog source named "ASP.NET". This module requires .NET Framework 2.0

Commenting out the UnhandledExceptionModule via web.config:


<add type="WebMonitor.UnhandledExceptionModule" name="UnhandledExceptionModule"/>


Everything works. However, I am still not satisfied and will have to spend more time looking for and determining where the incompatibility lies.



You can check if your application pool id used by your application has read / write permissions for the following registry keys,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ EventLog HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ EventLog \ Security

You can see what the difference is (different identities or different permissions required by keys) after you have installed 4.6.

Also, the first answer in this link might be helpful https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/00a043ae-9ea1-4a55-8b7c-d088a4b08f09/how-do-i-create-an -event-log-source-under-vista? forum = windowsgeneraldevelopmentissues .



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