What are the differences between Workflow and Buildflow [Jenkins]?
My question is basically like the title says. I have set both of them to see the differences, but from what I can see they have some options that differentiate them, but do they basically do the same thing?
I've also tried reading the descriptions, http://jenkins-ci.org/content/workflow-plugin-10 and https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/juc_sfo_oct_14-_workflow.pdf and https: // wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Flow+Plugin
What were the main differences? Perhaps this is my understanding in English, but they really look the same to me (I'm already familiar with Buildflow and I don't see what Workflow has to offer more).
My suggestion:
I would say one of the main differences would be that with a workflow using DSL, you can do a lot of things that would be required to invoke other jobs using Buildflow?
Example: Send an email, make a script, send another email
Buildflow: Requires at least two tasks to be completed
Workflow: All of this can be done in DSL
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