How to set timeout for google api php client library

I am using google php client library to build an application. Sometimes Google will respond to an API request in 100 seconds. I would like to limit the socket timeout to 30 seconds.

Does anyone know how this is possible? Not seeing any clear examples in the docs and I didn't get anything out of control looking at the source.

I found this example in the docs for a Java client, but I can't seem to find the PHP equivalent.

Thanks for any help.


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2 answers

According to this question, you can pass parameters directly for curling.

$client->setClassConfig('Google_IO_Curl', 'options',
        CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10




In Google API v2, this can be done using the Guzzle client

$http = $googleClient->getHttpClient();
$http->setDefaultOption('connect_timeout', 10);
$http->setDefaultOption('timeout', 10);




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