Default [fixed letter spacing], Inform 7 (6L38)

Prior to build 6L38, I was able to get ~ 90% of the default generated text with a fixed letter spacing by running the source with

When play begins: say fixed letter spacing.


This resulted in most of the text being incompatible with monospace.

Now that I have upgraded to 6L38 this no longer works.

Is there a better / working way to get all the text printed in a fixed letter format? At the moment, I had to do this by making sure all text starts with [fixed letter spacing], including creating printable names for the rooms. As you might guess, this is not the best solution.

EDIT: This is because I am using glulx now (my source is too big for z-code now).

So the right question is "How do I make glulx monospace everything by default?"


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1 answer

It was much easier when I went for a walk and stopped looking at him ...

Include Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short

Table of User Styles (continued)
style name  fixed width
normal-style    true
header-style    true
bold-style  true


and done.



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