Three.js, clothing and shape keys

How can I dress the human body? I imported the body model and t-shirt into two split grids. The human body includes shape keys.

But when I change the morphTargetInfluences key of the body, the T-shirt doesn't fit into the new body shape. How can I make the T-shirt fit when the key changes the value ?, How can I do this using three.js?

I am using version 1.4.0 of Three.js exporter (three.js r71) and Blender 2.75a

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1 answer

The bottom line is that your morph targets are only present in your character model and unfortunately do not magically match fabric. Apply morph to the fabric too in your editing tool and change both the same way, it will work effortlessly.

In fact I am also working on a solution for a wear-resistant fabric, I will give co-location vertex buffers where vertices "connect" to vertices of the domain model with relative offset, so you just have to take care of the fabric assignment once, instead applying and exporting integers morph target sets in general.

The downside is that your vertices have to stay the same, once you change the mesh you will have to export all the knitted fabric again. This can be mostly resolved by an automatic process, such as finding the closest vertices, but the fabric is usually extruded from the base mesh into a perfect "fit" without intersections, so this is not surprising.



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