Can SWT (Stroke Width Transform) help with screenshot recognition?

I am trying to detect text from screenshots . Screenshots can contain arbitrary content. I just want to search for text content.

It's good if some non-text content is detected as text. My bottom line is missing text content.

I found the following article:

But I haven't found a working implementation on Windows. And so far I can see that it is used with natural scenes, not from the screen. If anyone has implemented it on other platforms, could you try it out with the following image so I can get a quick estimate before deciding to implement it on Windows? Thank.

enter image description here


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1 answer


The code for this answer doesn't seem to work as expected (at least I haven't been able to get it to work satisfactorily).

So I am running the code this implementation was based on and you can find it here

Result (more reasonable):

enter image description here

I'll leave the code below for future reference.

I've adapted the mex implementation from here . Result in your image with the code below:

enter image description here

I'll let you rate if this helps you. The code is below.


#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

namespace sw

#define PI 3.14159265

    struct Point2d {
        int x;
        int y;
        float SWT;

    struct Point2dFloat {
        float x;
        float y;

    struct Ray {
        Point2d p;
        Point2d q;
        std::vector<Point2d> points;

    void strokeWidthTransform(const float * edgeImage,
        const float * gradientX,
        const float * gradientY,
        bool dark_on_light,
        float * SWTImage,
        int h, int w,
        std::vector<Ray> & rays) {
        // First pass
        float prec = .05f;
        for (int row = 0; row < h; row++){
            const float* ptr = edgeImage + row*w;
            for (int col = 0; col < w; col++){
                if (*ptr > 0) {
                    Ray r;

                    Point2d p;
                    p.x = col;
                    p.y = row;
                    r.p = p;
                    std::vector<Point2d> points;

                    float curX = (float)col + 0.5f;
                    float curY = (float)row + 0.5f;
                    int curPixX = col;
                    int curPixY = row;
                    float G_x = gradientX[col + row*w];
                    float G_y = gradientY[col + row*w];
                    // normalize gradient
                    float mag = sqrt((G_x * G_x) + (G_y * G_y));
                    if (dark_on_light){
                        G_x = -G_x / mag;
                        G_y = -G_y / mag;
                    else {
                        G_x = G_x / mag;
                        G_y = G_y / mag;
                    while (true) {
                        curX += G_x*prec;
                        curY += G_y*prec;
                        if ((int)(floor(curX)) != curPixX || (int)(floor(curY)) != curPixY)     {
                            curPixX = (int)(floor(curX));
                            curPixY = (int)(floor(curY));
                            // check if pixel is outside boundary of image
                            if (curPixX < 0 || (curPixX >= w) || curPixY < 0 || (curPixY >= h)) {
                            Point2d pnew;
                            pnew.x = curPixX;
                            pnew.y = curPixY;

                            if (edgeImage[curPixY*w + curPixX] > 0) {
                                r.q = pnew;
                                // dot product
                                float G_xt = gradientX[curPixY*w + curPixX];
                                float G_yt = gradientY[curPixY*w + curPixX];
                                mag = sqrt((G_xt * G_xt) + (G_yt * G_yt));
                                if (dark_on_light){
                                    G_xt = -G_xt / mag;
                                    G_yt = -G_yt / mag;
                                else {
                                    G_xt = G_xt / mag;
                                    G_yt = G_yt / mag;

                                if (acos(G_x * -G_xt + G_y * -G_yt) < PI / 2.0) {
                                    float length = sqrt(((float)r.q.x - (float)r.p.x)*((float)r.q.x - (float)r.p.x) + ((float)r.q.y - (float)r.p.y)*((float)r.q.y - (float)r.p.y));
                                    for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = points.begin(); pit != points.end(); pit++) {
                                        float* pSWT = SWTImage + w * pit->y + pit->x;
                                        if (*pSWT < 0) {
                                            *pSWT = length;
                                        else {
                                            *pSWT = std::min(length, *pSWT);
                                    r.points = points;

    bool Point2dSort(const Point2d &lhs, const Point2d &rhs) {
        return lhs.SWT < rhs.SWT;

    void SWTMedianFilter(float * SWTImage, int h, int w,
        std::vector<Ray> & rays, float maxWidth = -1) {
        for (std::vector<Ray>::iterator rit = rays.begin(); rit != rays.end(); rit++) {
            for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = rit->points.begin(); pit != rit->points.end(); pit++) {
                pit->SWT = SWTImage[w*pit->y + pit->x];
            std::sort(rit->points.begin(), rit->points.end(), &Point2dSort);
            //std::nth_element( rit->points.begin(), rit->points.end(), rit->points.size()/2, &Point2dSort );
            float median = (rit->points[rit->points.size() / 2]).SWT;
            if (maxWidth > 0 && median >= maxWidth) {
                median = -1;
            for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = rit->points.begin(); pit != rit->points.end(); pit++) {
                SWTImage[w*pit->y + pit->x] = std::min(pit->SWT, median);

    typedef std::vector< std::set<int> > graph_t; // graph as a list of neighbors per node

    void connComp(const graph_t& g, std::vector<int>& c, int i, int l) {
        // starting from node i labe this conn-comp with label l
        if (i < 0 || i > g.size()) {
        std::vector< int > stack;
        // push i
        c[i] = l;
        while (!stack.empty()) {
            // pop
            i = stack.back();
            // go over all nieghbors
            for (std::set<int>::const_iterator it = g[i].begin(); it != g[i].end(); it++) {
                if (c[*it] < 0) {
                    c[*it] = l;
    int findNextToLabel(const graph_t& g, const vector<int>& c) {
        for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) {
            if (c[i] < 0) {
                return i;
        return c.size();

    int connected_components(const graph_t& g, vector<int>& c) {
        // check for empty graph!
        if (g.empty()) {
            return 0;
        int i = 0;
        int num_conn = 0;
        do {
            connComp(g, c, i, num_conn);
            i = findNextToLabel(g, c);
        } while (i < g.size());
        return num_conn;

    std::vector< std::vector<Point2d> >
        findLegallyConnectedComponents(const float* SWTImage, int h, int w,
        std::vector<Ray> & rays) {
        std::map<int, int> Map;
        std::map<int, Point2d> revmap;
        std::vector<std::vector<Point2d> > components; // empty
        int num_vertices = 0, idx = 0;
        graph_t g;
        // Number vertices for graph.  Associate each point with number
        for (int row = 0; row < h; row++){
            for (int col = 0; col < w; col++){
                idx = col + w * row;
                if (SWTImage[idx] > 0) {
                    Map[idx] = num_vertices;
                    Point2d p;
                    p.x = col;
                    p.y = row;
                    revmap[num_vertices] = p;
                    std::set<int> empty;
        if (g.empty()) {
            return components; // nothing to do with an empty graph...
        for (int row = 0; row < h; row++){
            for (int col = 0; col < w; col++){
                idx = col + w * row;
                if (SWTImage[idx] > 0) {
                    // check pixel to the right, right-down, down, left-down
                    int this_pixel = Map[idx];
                    float thisVal = SWTImage[idx];
                    if (col + 1 < w) {
                        float right = SWTImage[w*row + col + 1];
                        if (right > 0 && (thisVal / right <= 3.0 || right / thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                            g[this_pixel].insert(Map[w*row + col + 1]);
                            g[Map[w*row + col + 1]].insert(this_pixel);
                            //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col + 1), g);
                    if (row + 1 < h) {
                        if (col + 1 < w) {
                            float right_down = SWTImage[w*(row + 1) + col + 1];
                            if (right_down > 0 && (thisVal / right_down <= 3.0 || right_down / thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                                g[this_pixel].insert(Map[w*(row + 1) + col + 1]);
                                g[Map[w*(row + 1) + col + 1]].insert(this_pixel);
                                // boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col + 1), g);
                        float down = SWTImage[w*(row + 1) + col];
                        if (down > 0 && (thisVal / down <= 3.0 || down / thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                            g[this_pixel].insert(Map[w*(row + 1) + col]);
                            g[Map[w*(row + 1) + col]].insert(this_pixel);
                            //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col), g);
                        if (col - 1 >= 0) {
                            float left_down = SWTImage[w*(row + 1) + col - 1];
                            if (left_down > 0 && (thisVal / left_down <= 3.0 || left_down / thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                                g[this_pixel].insert(Map[w*(row + 1) + col - 1]);
                                g[Map[w*(row + 1) + col - 1]].insert(this_pixel);
                                //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col - 1), g);

        std::vector<int> c(num_vertices, -1);
        int num_comp = connected_components(g, c);

        //std::cout << "Before filtering, " << num_comp << " components and " <<     num_vertices << " vertices" << std::endl;
        for (int j = 0; j < num_comp; j++) {
            std::vector<Point2d> tmp;
        for (int j = 0; j < num_vertices; j++) {
            Point2d p = revmap[j];

        return components;

    enum {
        EIN = 0,

    void swt_mex(const float* edgeImage, const float* gradientX, const float* gradientY, float* SWTImage, float* pComp, int* nstrokes, int w, int h, bool dark_on_light)
        float maxWidth = w;

        std::vector<Ray> rays;
        strokeWidthTransform(edgeImage, gradientX, gradientY, dark_on_light, SWTImage, h, w, rays);
        SWTMedianFilter(SWTImage, h, w, rays, maxWidth);

        std::vector<std::vector<Point2d> > components = findLegallyConnectedComponents(SWTImage, h, w, rays);

        *nstrokes = components.size();

        for (int ci = 0; ci < components.size(); ci++) {
            for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator it = components[ci].begin(); it != components[ci].end(); it++) {
                pComp[w * it->y + it->x] = ci + 1;

    void swt(const cv::Mat1b& img, cv::Mat1f& strokes, int* nstrokes, bool dark_on_light = true)
        cv::Mat1b edgeMap;
        cv::Canny(img, edgeMap, 400, 200);

        cv::Mat1f floatEdgeMap;
        edgeMap.convertTo(floatEdgeMap, CV_32F);

        cv::Mat1b blurred;
        cv::GaussianBlur(img, blurred, cv::Size(5, 5), 0.3*(2.5 - 1) + .8);

        cv::Mat1f gx, gy;
        cv::Sobel(blurred, gx, CV_32F, 1, 0);
        cv::Sobel(blurred, gy, CV_32F, 0, 1);

        cv::medianBlur(gx, gx, 3);
        cv::medianBlur(gy, gy, 3);

        cv::Mat1f swtimg(img.rows, img.cols, -1.f);
        strokes = cv::Mat1f(img.rows, img.cols, 0.f);

        swt_mex((float*), (float*), (float*), (float*), (float*), nstrokes, img.cols, img.rows, dark_on_light);




#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "swt.h"
using namespace cv;

int main(int, char** argv)
    Mat1b img = cv::imread("path_to_image", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    // Compute SWT
    Mat1f strokes;
    int nstrokes;
    sw::swt(img, strokes, &nstrokes);

    // Create color table
    vector<Vec3b> colors(nstrokes+1);
    colors[0] = Vec3b(0, 0, 0);

    RNG rng;
    for (int i = 0; i < nstrokes; ++i)
        colors[i + 1] = Vec3b(rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255));

    // Colors strokes
    Mat3b coloredStrokes(strokes.size(), Vec3b(0,0,0));

    for (int r = 0; r < strokes.rows; ++r)
        for (int c = 0; c < strokes.cols; ++c)
            coloredStrokes(r, c) = colors[strokes(r,c)];

    imshow("Strokes", coloredStrokes);

    return 0;




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