How do I get the last word of a sentence using jQuery?

How can I get the last word of a sentence using jQuery?

<strong> Examples:

  • get the last word of a sentence

    should return sentence

  • get the last word

    should return word


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3 answers

try it

var lastword = str.split(" ").pop();




This can be done using JavaScript. Why JQuery?

This will be split

your string in separate components, then it will pop out from the last element of the array and return it.

More details here

alert("get the last word of a sentence".split(" ").pop());

Run code



Try it.

var arr = str.split(' ');

var length = arr.length;

var result = arr[length - 1];

return result;


Or you can try this as well.

var lastitem = str.split(" ").pop();




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