Powershell - how to pre-evaluate variables in scriptblock for Start-Job

I want to use background jobs in Powershell.

How do I make the variables evaluated at the time the ScriptBlock is defined?

$v1 = "123"
$v2 = "asdf"

$sb = {
    Write-Host "Values are: $v1, $v2"

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb

$job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

$job | Remove-Job


I am getting printable blank values ​​for $ v1 and $ v2. How can I evaluate them in the (passed in) scriptblock and thus in the background job?


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4 answers

One way is to use the [scriptblock] :: create method to create a script block from an expandable string using local variables:

$v1 = "123"
$v2 = "asdf"

$sb = [scriptblock]::Create("Write-Host 'Values are: $v1, $v2'")

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb


Another method is to set variables in InitializationScript:

$Init_Script = {
$v1 = "123"
$v2 = "asdf"

$sb = {
    Write-Host "Values are: $v1, $v2"

$job = Start-Job -InitializationScript $Init_Script -ScriptBlock $sb 


The third option is to use the -Argumentlist parameter:

$v1 = "123"
$v2 = "asdf"

$sb = {
    Write-Host "Values are: $($args[0]), $($args[1])"

$job = Start-Job  -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $v1,$v2




The simplest solution (requiring V3 or higher) looks like this:

$v1 = "123"
$v2 = "asdf"

$sb = {
     Write-Host "Values are: $using:v1, $using:v2"

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb


You might think of $ using acting like an explicit param () block and passing in -ArgumentList, only PowerShell will automatically handle that for you.



Declare the values ​​as parameters in the script block, then pass them using -ArgumentList

$v1 = "123"
$v2 = "asdf"

$sb = {
    Write-Host "Values are: $v1, $v2"

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $v1, $v2

$job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

$job | Remove-Job




I'm not on a computer to test, but this should work:

$sb = {
    Write-Host "Values are: $p1, $p2"

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $v1,$v2


I will double check this when I work.



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