How do I get the column / field names in OrmLite?

I define table and field names through regular annotations, for example:

@DatabaseTable(tableName = "M")
public class Headers {
    //android requires primary key as _ID
    @DatabaseField(generatedId = true, columnName = "_ID", dataType = DataType.INTEGER_OBJ)
    private Integer id;

            columnName = "MM2",
            uniqueCombo = true,
            canBeNull = true, //null means root folder
            dataType = DataType.INTEGER_OBJ
    private Integer parentId;


Meanwhile, somewhere deep in my code, I need to make multiple requests, like:

QueryBuilder<Headers, Integer> qb = headersDao.queryBuilder();
qb.where().eq("_ID",  headerId); //_ID field name


This kind of code looks ugly as the field name (in this case _ID

) is hardcoded (even if it is declared as final static String


Question: Is this a common practice for coding OrmLite? I was expecting that _ID

I could use a little code instead of a hardcoded field . Surely OrmLite "knows" all the field names. Can anyone help me?


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1 answer

Define a constant for the field name like

private static final String FIELD_ID = "_ID";
// Or make it public as Gray said into comment
public static final String FIELD_ID = "_ID";


and use it like

//android requires primary key as _ID
@DatabaseField(generatedId = true, columnName = FIELD_ID, dataType = DataType.INTEGER_OBJ)
private Integer id;


And in your request

QueryBuilder<Headers, Integer> qb = headersDao.queryBuilder();
qb.where().eq(FIELD_ID,  headerId); //_ID field name


If you look at the documentation

They also follow the same

QueryBuilder<Account, String> qb = accountDao.queryBuilder();
Where where = qb.where();
// the name field must be equal to "foo"
where.eq(Account.NAME_FIELD_NAME, "foo");
// and
// the password field must be equal to "_secret"
where.eq(Account.PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, "_secret");
PreparedQuery<Account, String> preparedQuery = qb.prepareQuery();




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