Sorting the elements of an array by the frequency of its elements

Is it possible in matlab / octave to use a function sort

to sort an array based on the relative frequency of their elements?

For example the array

m= [4,4,4,10,10,10,4,4,5]


should result in this array:




is the less frequent element and is located at the top, and 4

is the most frequent, and at the bottom - below. Should I use the indexes provided histcount



source to share

3 answers

One way would be to use accumarray

to find the count of each number (I suspect you can use histcounts(m,max(m)))

, but then you need to clear all 0


m = [4,4,4,10,10,10,4,4,5];

freq = accumarray(subs,subs,[],@numel);
[~,i2] = sort(freq(subs),'descend');



By taking my approach with ms , you can get a simpler solution:

m = [4,4,4,10,10,10,4,4,5];

freq= histc(m,U);
[~,i2] = sort(freq(i1),'descend');





The following code first calculates how often each item occurs and then uses runLengthDecode

unique items to expand.

m = [4,4,4,10,10,10,4,4,5];

u_m = unique(m);

elem_count = histc(m,u_m);
[elem_count, idx] = sort(elem_count);

m_sorted = runLengthDecode(elem_count, u_m(idx));


Definition runLengthDecode

copied from this answer :

For MATLAB R2015a +:

function V = runLengthDecode(runLengths, values)
if nargin<2
    values = 1:numel(runLengths);
V = repelem(values, runLengths);


For versions up to R2015a:

function V = runLengthDecode(runLengths, values)
%// Actual computation using column vectors
V = cumsum(accumarray(cumsum([1; runLengths(:)]), 1));
V = V(1:end-1);
%// In case of second argument
if nargin>1
    V = reshape(values(V),[],1);
%// If original was a row vector, transpose
if size(runLengths,2)>1
    V = V.'; %'




You can count the number of reps bsxfun

, sort

and apply this to the sort m


[~, ind] = sort(sum(bsxfun(@eq,m,m.')));
result = m(ind);




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