Post difference between svn branch and tag on overview board

I want to post an SVN diff on an overview board; diff is generated between HEAD branches and base tag.

I used this command to generate a diff file:

svn diff https:/path/to/branch/head https:/path/to/tag

note that

  • I tried to use the command rbt diff revision1:revision2

    to generate diff. I have a problem where the overview board only accepts a range of revisions inside a branch for commit only (not taking a revision from tags).

  • I tried to diff using the command svn diff

    and then download the file using rbt post --diff-filename

    , but the command returned with an error requiring the base directory; I added a base directory to be the root using rbt post --basedir https:/path/to/root

    ; overviewboards accept but show diffs on the web page as diff between https:/path/to/root/branches/featureName/path/to/changed/files

    and https:/path/to/root/path/to/changed/files

    without showing diff is between branch and tag, eg https:/path/to/root/tag/path/to/changed/files


Is there a way to do this kind of work?


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1 answer

You can post a diff like this using the RBTools command post


Let's say, for example, your Subversion repository is registered with the following URL on the message board:


(where foo

is noise and base

is your repository base)

Then suppose we have two tags


where is abc2

based on abc1

and makes some changes.

To create a view request for these changes, first, we do a diff with Subversion:

svn diff $base/module/tag/abc1 $base/module/tag/abc2 \
  > --patch-compatible > change_xyz.diff


We can publish a diff with rbt post

, but for that we need a Subversion working directory. Enough empty:

svn co --depth=empty $base
cd group


The command rbt

needs some configuration to make it easier to maintain the username and password, can also be saved in a launch control file, for example:

cat > .reviewboardrc <<EOF
REPOSITORY = 'somerepo'
PASSWORD = 'einsfueralles'
USERNAME = 'juser'


When publishing, diff rbt

resolves relative paths in the diff file to the working directory, so we need to add the missing parts with the option --basedir


rbt post --diff-filename ../change_xyz.diff --basedir module/tag


If everything works fine, rbt

downloads the diff and referenced files into a new draft and prints the new urls, e.g .:


The draft can then be edited and finally published via the web interface. The command rbt post

also has several options to add additional data (for example --summary

, --description

) and / or publish it directly (see --publish




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