How to write an insert request in Doctrine

How to create an insert query in Doctrine that will perform the same function as the following SQL query:

INSERT INTO target (tgt_col1, tgt_col2) 
SELECT 'flag' as marker, src_col2 FROM source 
WHERE src_col1='mycriteria'



source to share

2 answers

I'm still not convinced that this is the correct approach you are taking, but if you really need a SQL query to run for any reason, you can do it in Doctrine with the function $entityManager->createNativeQuery();


Doctrine is not a query manipulation tool. The whole idea is to work at the Entity level, not the SQL level (tables, etc.). Doctrine 2 QueryBuilder

doesn't even support INSERT

DQL operations .

A small pseudo-code snippet below to illustrate how this can be done in Doctrine:

    $qb = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
        ->from('\Foo\Source\Entity', 's')
        ->where('s.col1 = :col1')
        ->setParameter('col1', 'mycriteria');

    $sourceEntities =  $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
    foreach($sourceEntities as $sourceEntity) {
        $targetEntity = new \Foo\Target\Entity();
        $targetEntity->col1 = $sourceEntity->col1;
        $targetEntity->col2 = $sourceEntity->col2;






Doctrine documentation says:

If you want to execute DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT commands, the SQL API cannot be used and will probably propagate errors. use EntityManager # getConnection () to access your own database connection and call executeUpdate () method on those requests.

Examples of

// Get entity manager from your context.
$em = $this->getEntityManager();

 * 1. Raw query

$query1 = "
    INSERT INTO target (tgt_col1, tgt_col2) 
    SELECT 'flag' as marker, src_col2 FROM source 
    WHERE src_col1='mycriteria'

$affectedRows1 = $em->getConnection()->executeUpdate($query1);

 * 2. Query using class metadata.

$metadata = $em->getClassMetadata(Your\NameSpace\Entity\Target::class);
$tableName = $metadata->getTableName();
$niceTitle = $metadata->getColumnName('niceTitle');
$bigDescription = $metadata->getColumnName('bigDescription');

$metadata2 = $em->getClassMetadata(Your\NameSpace\Entity\Source::class);
$table2Name = $metadata2->getTableName();
$smallDescription = $metadata2->getColumnName('smallDescription');

$query2 = "
    INSERT INTO $tableName ($niceTitle, $bigDescription) 
    SELECT 'hardcoded title', $smallDescription FROM $table2Name 
    WHERE $niceTitle = 'mycriteria'

$affectedRows2 = $em->getConnection()->executeUpdate($query2);




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