Python skips for loop

I am writing code to find latitudes and longitudes and calculate the distance within a specific radius of a point and split the two files.

For the first 5 iterations, the program runs fine, but after that the program doesn't go through the inner loop for

. I went through the code, it just steps over the loop for

. It seems to depend on what I set the to variable radius

. If radius

less, it will allow fewer inner loop iterations for


I'm afraid it might be a problem with the way I read in the file. I believe it is infile_2

empty after the 5th iteration , but I cannot figure out how to fix it.

def main(): 

    global infile_1, infile_2

    ## import geocoded college dataset
    infile_2 = open("university_FIPS.csv", "r")

    ## import great_lakes_sample
    infile_1 = open("great_lakes_sample.csv", "r")
    outfile_within_bound = open("great_lakes_blood_college", "w")
    outfile_outside_bound = open("great_lakes_blood_NOcollege", "w")
    inside_buffer_count = 0
    outside_buffer_count = 0

    global lat_1_index, long_1_index, lat_2_index, long_2_index

    ## set radius to desired length (in miles)
    radius = 100

    ## when it is generalized, use this:
    ##    radius = input_buffer_radius()

    # create two subsets of blood drive data, one within
    # radius of college, one outside

    # skip header
    n_1 = 0
    for infile_1_line in infile_1:
        infile_1_line = infile_1_line.strip().replace("\"", "").split(","),
        infile_1_line = infile_1_line[0]        

        record_stored = False

        # find index of lat_2, long_2
        if( n_1 == 0 ):
            lat_2_index = infile_1_line.index( "lat" )
            long_2_index = infile_1_line.index( "long" )
            infile_1_header_list = infile_1_line

        # assign lat_2, long_2 latitude and longitude values
        lat_2 = infile_1_line[ lat_2_index ]
        long_2 = infile_1_line[ long_2_index ]

        # skip header
        if n_1 > 0:
            print( "\n\nExamining Record:", n_1 )

                lat_2 = float( lat_2 )
                long_2 = float( long_2 )
            except ValueError:
                print( "Value error, skipping record" )
            except TypeError:
                print("Type error, skipping record" )
            print( "Coordinates for record:", lat_2, long_2)

            # skip header
            n_2 = 0

            # WILL NOT ENTER LOOP ON THIRD ITERATION, it dependent on radius, when radius is 100, it stops at n_1 = 6
            if ( n_1 > 0):
                print("\n\n\nbefore loop")            

            for infile_2_line in infile_2:
                infile_2_line = infile_2_line.strip().split(",")                                                        

                if ( n_2 == 0):
                    print( "in" )

                # find index of lat_1, long_1, create header list
                if( n_2 == 0 and n_1 == 1):
                    lat_1_index = infile_2_line.index("lat")
                    long_1_index = infile_2_line.index("long")
                    infile_2_header_list = infile_2_line

                    # creat headers for each outfile
                    write_to_csv( infile_1_header_list, outfile_within_bound )
                    write_to_csv( infile_1_header_list, outfile_outside_bound )

                # assign values for lat_1, long_1, after header
                if( n_2 > 0 ):
                    lat_1 = infile_2_line[ lat_1_index ]
                    long_1 = infile_2_line[ long_1_index ] 

                        lat_1 = float( lat_1 )
                        long_1 = float( long_1 )
                        value_error = False
                    except ValueError:
                    except TypeError:

                    dist = haversine_distance(lat_1, long_1, lat_2, long_2)

                    if( dist <= radius ):
                        print( "\nRecord", n_1, "is",
                               dist, "miles from", lat_1, long_1)
                        write_to_csv( infile_1_line, outfile_within_bound )
                        record_stored = True
                        print( "Record stored in outfile_inside_bound." )
                        print( "Moving to next record." )
                        inside_buffer_count += 1

                n_2 += 1

            if( record_stored == False):

                print( "\nOutside buffer." )
                write_to_csv( infile_1_line, outfile_outside_bound )
                outside_buffer_count += 1
                print( "Record stored in outfile_outside_bound." )

        n_1 += 1

    print("\nRecords within buffer:", inside_buffer_count, "\nRecords outside buffer:", outside_buffer_count)



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1 answer

The direct answer is that you iterate over the file in a style loop for x in f

, python actually keeps track of how far you go into the file. So if you iterate 10 times in the inner loop until you reach the breakpoint, the next time you try to iterate through the file with, infile_2

you run 10 lines into the file!

It looks like in your case, on the third iteration, you read the entire file, so the iterator infile_2

will only sit at the end of the file on all subsequent iterations of the outer loop. An easy fix is ​​to do it

before the inner loop is started. This will change position infile_2

to look at the beginning of the file again. Uff ...

This is all fine and dandy, but I would like to offer you a couple of things:

  • When you open files use with open("test.txt","r") as f

    as shown in this SO post . This allows you to remember to close the file explicitly, since it is closed implicitly at the end of the block.

  • It is often best to read a file in a list, perform calculations, and then write the results in just one snapshot. This makes your code more organized (also easier to read) and also avoids bugs like the one you are working with.

To illustrate these strategies, here's how I'll read the files in your example code:

def main(): 
    global infile_1, infile_2

    with open("great_lakes_sample.csv", "r") as infile_1:
        #List comprehension to format all of the lines correctly
        infile1_lines = [line.strip().replace("\"", "").split(",") for line in infile_1] 

    with open("university_FIPS.csv", "r") as infile_2:
        #List comprehension to format all of the lines correctly
        infile2_lines = [line.strip().split(",") for line in infile_2]

    #Both files are automatically closed when their respected with blocks end.




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