Add to string array alphabetically
I'm looking for a way to add a string (from a cell) to a string array in alphabetical order.
For example:
string array = {"apple", "banana", "orange"}
add "cherry"
string array = {"apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange"}
Hence, if I do sheets(1).range("A1").value = new string array
, the whole array will be in one cell.
I found a function online that sorts selected cells alphabetically, but not sure if it helps in my instance.
Function Alphabetize(vStrings As Variant, separator As String) As String
Dim v As Variant, vSorted As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long
Dim bDone As Boolean
For Each v In vStrings
n = n + 1
ReDim vSorted(1 To n)
ReDim pos(1 To n)
For Each v In vStrings
i = i + 1
vSorted(i) = v
For j = 2 To n
bDone = True
For i = 2 To n
If vSorted(i) < vSorted(i - 1) Then
v = vSorted(i - 1)
vSorted(i - 1) = vSorted(i)
vSorted(i) = v
bDone = False
End If
If bDone Then Exit For
For i = 1 To n
If vSorted(i) <> "" Then
If i = 1 Then
Alphabetize = separator & vSorted(i)
If vSorted(i) <> vSorted(i - 1) Then Alphabetize = Alphabetize & separator & vSorted(i)
End If
End If
Alphabetize = Mid$(Alphabetize, 2)
End Function
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You can use the class System.Collections.SortedList
from the library .NET
if you like. Then there is no need to worry about sorting.
Dim objList As Object
Set objList = CreateObject("System.Collections.SortedList")
objList.Add "apple", ""
objList.Add "banana", ""
objList.Add "orange", ""
objList.Add "cherry", ""
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To objList.Count - 1
Debug.Print objList.GetKey(i)
If you want to concatenate the values ββinto a string, just concatenate them as you pass through the values, or you can pass them into an array and use them Join
to create the string:
ReDim a(objList.Count - 1) As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To objList.Count - 1
a(i) = objList.GetKey(i)
' Combine strings into the format: {"string1", "string2", "stringN"}
Sheet1.Range("A1").Value = "{""" & Join(a, """, """) & """}"
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It is not clear where the declaration or assignment vStrings
and 'cherry' are, but here is a helper function call that adds an array and returns a delimited list (one text value) in Sheet1 A1.
Sub main()
Dim string_array As Variant, new_string As String
string_array = Array("apple", "banana", "orange")
new_string = "cherry"
Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value = add_and_alphabetize(string_array, new_string, sDELIM:=Chr(44))
End Sub
Function add_and_alphabetize(vSTR As Variant, sSTR As String, _
Optional sDELIM As String = ";", Optional bDESC As Boolean = False)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, vTMP As Variant
If CBool(Len(sSTR)) Then
ReDim Preserve vSTR(LBound(vSTR) To UBound(vSTR) + 1)
vSTR(UBound(vSTR)) = sSTR
End If
For i = LBound(vSTR) To UBound(vSTR) - 1
For j = i To UBound(vSTR)
If (vSTR(i) < vSTR(j) And bDESC) Or (vSTR(i) > vSTR(j) And Not bDESC) Then
vTMP = vSTR(j)
vSTR(j) = vSTR(i)
vSTR(i) = vTMP
End If
Next j
Next i
add_and_alphabetize = Join(vSTR, sDELIM)
End Function
I added options to specify the delimiter character (default as semi-colony) and changed the sort order.
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