How to make a search textbox by type in DataGridView using VB.NET

I have connected my DataGridView to the database, but I cannot implement the search functionality.

The program flow will be when I click on one column of the DataGridView and I type in the search box, I can only get the results from the same column besides other columns.

It also has to search for the letter by letter, so basically it's the TextChanged event.


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2 answers

This is how I will do it

First, you have two variables to store the original data from the database, as well as a string variable to store the selected dgv column header header (which will be used for the subsequent filter).

Private oriDataTable As New DataTable
Private columnToFilter As String = String.Empty


My test for some dummy data

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    'dummy datatable
    oriDataTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ID"))
    oriDataTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("FirstName"))
    oriDataTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("LastName"))
    For i = 0 To 5
        Dim dr As DataRow = oriDataTable.NewRow()
        dr.Item("ID") = i
        dr.Item("FirstName") = "fn type1 " & i
        dr.Item("LastName") = "ln type1 " & i
    For i = 6 To 10
        Dim dr As DataRow = oriDataTable.NewRow()
        dr.Item("ID") = i
        dr.Item("FirstName") = "fn type2" & i
        dr.Item("LastName") = "ln type2" & i

    'Since you already connected to database 
    'i assume that you could fill a datatable and bind to dgv
    dgvToFilter.DataSource = oriDataTable
    columnToFilter = "ID" 'Assign any default column name
End Sub


Then add a ColumnHeaderMouseClick event handler to your dgv, update columnToFilter

every time the user clicks on it.

Private Sub dgvToFilter_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles dgvToFilter.ColumnHeaderMouseClick
    Dim clickedColumn As DataGridViewColumn = dgvToFilter.Columns(e.ColumnIndex)

    'Note:HeaderText must match with your datatable column name
    columnToFilter = clickedColumn.HeaderText
    lblHeaderSelected.Text = columnToFilter
End Sub


Finally, the TextChaged event. Use the DataTable.Select method to filter the data and update the result, if any, for the dgv.

Private Sub txtFilterText_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtFilterText.TextChanged
    If txtFilterText.Text.Length <= 0 Then dgvToFilter.DataSource = oriDataTable

    Dim filterString = String.Format("{0} LIKE '{1}%'", columnToFilter, txtFilterText.Text)

    Dim dataRows As DataRow() = oriDataTable.Select(filterString)
    'Choose what you wan to do if no row is found. I bind back the oriDataTable.
    dgvToFilter.DataSource = If(dataRows.Count > 0, dataRows.CopyToDataTable(), oriDataTable)
End Sub




You can try this.

 Private Sub txtUname_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtUname.TextChanged
    dtaAdap = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from tbl_user where Fname like '%" & txtUname.Text & "%'" & vbCrLf &
                                 " OR  Lname like '%" & txtUname.Text & "%'", con)
    dt = New DataTable
    DataGridView1.DataSource = dt
End Sub


The query in SQLAdapter looks like this:

Select * from <tbl_name> where <firstparametercolumnname> like '%"& <your searchtexboxname.text here> &"%' 
OR <secondparametercolumnname> like '%"& <your searchtexboxname.text here> &"%'


etc. depending on the number of fields you want to look at. Note: "con" is my SQLConnection.

This whole piece of code will populate your DatagridView with the query result every time the user enters something into your searchtextbox.



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