AWS - Elastic Beanstalk CLI - how to list / modify profiles

I have two AWS accounts, one for personal, one for work related projects. I have previously created and deployed my personal AWS account.

I want to create an application to run on a production AWS account. I signed in with these credentials and created a new app from the console.

Then in my project working folder I am eb init

and eb create

/ is deploy

running application. When I did eb create

, it was asking to create a different environment than the one I created in AWS. After creating it, I found that the new project was created in my personal AWS account.

I was told that I need to change profiles by doing eb --profile

, but I am not sure about the names of my profiles. How can I list and change my profile from my personal to my work profile?


I was assigned a passkey ID. I tried it eb --profile MYKEYID

. When I did this, the message was not showing. I'm not sure which profile I am on.


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1 answer

CL CLI and CLI AWS have the same credentials. They are stored in ~/.aws/config

either or ~/.aws/credentials


You can list them with

aws configure list


Once you know which profile you want to use, you can set it permanently for that project by running

eb init --profile ProfileName


in the project directory.

You can see which EB CLI settings for your project are being viewed in the file .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml




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