How to access session data in the Moholic model
Below is an example of a Mojolicious application (6.14) ... Sorry for the $ _ [0] and other less-than-best practices; I tried to make it compact.
package ScopeTest;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
sub startup {
my $app = shift;
$app->helper( hello => sub { "Hello!" } );
$app->helper( username => sub { $_[0]->session('username'); } );
$app->helper( model => sub { ScopeTest::Model->new( app => $_[0]->app ) } );
$app->helper( hasPerm => sub { $_[0]->model->hasPerm( @_ ) } );
package ScopeTest::Controller;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
sub alice { $_[0]->session( username => "alice" ); $_[0]->render_message() }
sub carol { $_[0]->session( username => "carol" ); $_[0]->render_message() }
sub steve { $_[0]->session( username => "steve" ); $_[0]->render( text =>
sprintf "%s: %s\n", $_[0]->username, $_[0]->model->update_db ? 'Okay' : 'Fail' ) }
sub render_message { $_[0]->render( text =>
sprintf "%s: %s\n", $_[0]->username, $_[0]->hasPerm('canLogin') ? 'Okay' : 'Fail' ) }
package ScopeTest::Model;
use Mojo::Base -base;
has 'app';
my %perms = ( alice => [ qw{ canLogin } ],
carol => [ ],
steve => [ qw{ canUpdateDB } ] );
sub hasPerm {
my ( $self, $perm ) = @_;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$self->app->log->debug("app->hello = " . $self->app->hello ); # OKAY
$self->app->log->debug("app->username = " . $self->app->username ); # FAILS
$self->app->log->debug("session('username') = " . $self->app->session('username') ); # FAILS
$self->app->log->debug("session->{'username'} = " . $self->app->session->{'username'} ); # FAILS
my $username; # = $self->app->username;
return grep { $_ eq $perm } @{ $perms{$username} };
sub update_db {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
$self->hasPerm('canUpdateDB') or return;
# else ...
return 1;
Although things like $self->app->log->debug()
that $self->app->dumper()
, and other helpers do the right thing, $self->app->session
does not.
I know the transition to $app
is considered less ideal, but I would expect the above to be at least WORK ...
In short, the username is repeated over and over again (this is a toy example: a real application has dozens of different methods that sometimes call each other, etc.) is there a cleaner way to access session data from the model class
PS. And before you say it Model->new(username => $self->session('username')
, that means knowing, a priori , which session variables I need and listing them all in the constructor and attribute lists; I was hoping that if I just went through in general $app
(or even $app->session
) I could keep things going in the future.
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The error I was making was: the "session" information is not application related; it is associated with the controller:
$app->helper( model => sub { ScopeTest::Model->new( ctrl => $_[0] ) } );
package ScopeTest::Model;
use Mojo::Base -base;
has 'ctrl';
$self->ctrl->app->log->debug("username = " . $self->ctrl->username );
Yes, I know it's still not optimal enough to pass the Model Controller, but that at least explains why I couldn't get it to work in EVERYTHING before ...
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