How do I save the final state of a neon animation in Polymer?

Is there a way to save the final state of the neon animation? I tried using fill: 'forwards'

, but doesn't seem to do anything.

    <div id="rect" style="width:100px;height:100px;background-color:red"></div>

  properties: {
    animationConfig: {
      value: function () {
        return {
          'hide': [{
            name: 'fade-out-animation',
            node: this.$.rect,
            // this doesn't work!
            fill: 'forwards'


Basically I want to div

hide after the animation finishes hide

. In the demo, you can see that the red div

disappears, but then reappears immediately after the animation ends.


source to share

2 answers

I tracked down the source of the problem.

Open neon-animation-runner-behavior.html

and find the function playAnimation


Internally this._player.onfinish

, a note is called this._player.cancel()

. This one cancel

is basically

Set the source to null and clear any effects associated with the previous source.


At the end, I added another parameter to the function playAnimation

, so when I need to enforce a final state, I add a flag false

to a function like this -

this.playAnimation('unloadCells', null, false);


This is the safest option I have come up with as it won't interrupt existing Polymer animations on different elements. I'm sure the Polymer team will be able to come up with a great solution in the future, but so far this is doing the trick. :)

playAnimation: function (type, cookie, cancellable) {
  // default its value to true so existing stuff won't be affected
  cancellable = typeof cancellable !== 'undefined' ? cancellable : true;

  var allConfigs = this.getAnimationConfig(type);
  if (!allConfigs) {
  var allAnimations = this._configureAnimationEffects(allConfigs);
  var allEffects = {
    return animation.effect;

  if (allEffects.length > 0) {
    this._player = this._runAnimationEffects(allEffects);
    this._player.onfinish = function() {

      if (this._player) {
        // when manually set to false, this._player.cancel() will be skipped 
        // so we get to maintain the end state for some scenarios
        if (cancellable) {
        this._player = null;
      }'neon-animation-finish', cookie, {bubbles: false});

  } else {'neon-animation-finish', cookie, {bubbles: false});




Use a listener to detect the end of the animation. Then call the function that hides the div.

properties: {
  animationConfig: {
    value: function () {
      return {
        'hide': [{
          name: 'fade-out-animation',
          node: this.$.rect,

listeners: {
  // this event is fired when the animation finishes
  "neon-animation-finish": "animationComplete"

animationComplete: function() {
    this.$ = "none";


If you have many different animations to listen to to end, use a switch statement to separate each animation.

properties: {
  animationConfig: {
    value: function () {
      return {
        'hide': [{
          name: 'fade-out-animation',
          node: this.$.rect,

listeners: {
  // this event is fired when the animation finishes
  "neon-animation-finish": "animationComplete"

animationComplete: function(event, animHandler) {
    switch (animHandler) {

        case "hide":

        case "show":

        default: null


hideFinished: function() {
//do something

showFinished: function() {
//do something


When using this method, you need to add a second parameter to the function playAnimation

that acts as an identifier. Like this:

this.playAnimation("hide", "hide");


Then, for each animation you add, just add another case to the switch statement with the value in the second parameter of the function playAnimation()

. I usually use the same line to keep track of it easily.



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