RxJava Objects and Error Handling

I am trying to achieve the same behavior as for the event bus. Suitable for my requirements PublishSubject


The object emits elements that represent the result of some global operation that may succeed or fail if an exception occurs. I cannot use onNext()

for success events and onError()

on Throwable

on error, since after the call the onError()

subject is terminated and any future subscribers will not receive any outliers except onError()


Right now the way I see it, I need to create a class that represents the event, and optionally reference it on Throwable

error. This, however, seems unwise as it would need to handle errors internally onNext()


How would you do it?


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1 answer

Generating generic class transfer events is the way to go. Let's say we call it the ResponseOrError class, it should contain basically two fields

private T data;
private Throwable error;


and two simple factory methods:

public static <T> ResponseOrError<T> fromError(Throwable throwable) {
    return new ResponseOrError<>(throwable);

public static <T> ResponseOrError<T> fromData(T data) {
    return new ResponseOrError<>(data);


to remove any boilerplate code, you can provide a Transformer to create an Observerable ResponseOrError.

public static <T> Observable.Transformer<T, ResponseOrError<T>> toResponseOrErrorObservable() {
    return new Observable.Transformer<T, ResponseOrError<T>>() {

        public Observable<ResponseOrError<T>> call(final Observable<T> observable) {
            return observable
                    .map(new Func1<T, ResponseOrError<T>>() {
                        public ResponseOrError<T> call(final T t) {
                            return ResponseOrError.fromData(t);
                    .onErrorResumeNext(new Func1<Throwable, Observable<? extends ResponseOrError<T>>>() {
                        public Observable<? extends ResponseOrError<T>> call(final Throwable throwable) {
                            return Observable.just(ResponseOrError.<T>fromError(throwable));


then you can use it like this:

final Observable<ResponseOrError<ImportantData>> compose = mNetworkService


and now you can easily display the result depending on success or failure, or even provide another transformed transformer displayed by Observable <T> instead of observable <ResponseOrError <T ->



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