Why does cv2.waitkey function throw an error when using conda on ubuntu

I've used cv2 successfully with anaconda until I added:



getting this error:

cv2.error: ------- src-dir ------- / opencv-2.4.10 / modules / highgui / src / window.cpp: 562: error: (-2) function not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows support, GTK + 2.x or Carbon. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config then run cmake or configure the script in the cvWaitKey function

I am using conda 3.14.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS and the packages in error tips are installed


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1 answer

This link can help you. https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/forum/m/#!msg/anaconda/uHB2wYT29vU/80ywinE9BAAJ .

In conclusion, you can try:

For opencv2.X

conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/menpo opencv




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