Oracle Database XML Datatype Column Query with Xquery and Multiple Nested Namespaces

I wish I had to go down to the community with this, I tried this issue against this issue for a week, read and studied the Oracle documentation and these forums. The closest model answer I could get was this

I have this XML in oracle colum with XML datatype:

    <TravelReservationRequest xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" transactionType="TICKETED" creationDateTime="2015-06-30T21:01:09.0405878Z">
      <CWTTravelReservation xmlns="">
        <Reservation accountNumber="12345678" lastModifiedTimestamp="2015-06-30T21:01:09.0717888Z" recordLocatorNumber="ABCDEFG" supplierService="SUPPLIER" reservationType="Business" InternationalFlag="false" bookingDate="2015-06-30">
            <Vendor vendorCode="AD" vendorClassCode="1" vendorClassification="Air"/>
            <Vendor vendorCode="RT" vendorClassCode="3" vendorName="SOME HOTEL SOMEWHERE" vendorClassification="Hotel"/>
            <Traveler sequence="1" guid="A:GUID">
              <Person birthDate="XXXX-XX-XX">
                <Name xmlns="" namePrefix="MR" firstName="JOHN " lastName="DOE"/>
              <TravelerAddress type="Alternate" line1="A HOUSE" stateProvince="A PLACE"/>
                <ClientTop xmlns="" guid="ANOTHER:GUID"/>
                <ClientSub xmlns=""/>
              <TravelerEmail emailAddress=""/>
              <TravelerPhone usage="Mobile"/>
              <TravelerType description="SOMETHING"/>
                <Passport xmlns="" number="XXXXXXXX" issuingCountry="BR"/>
            <SegmentGroup lowFareAmount="0">
                <Segment segmentEndTimestamp="2015-07-01T07:15:00" segmentTravelDurationValue="0117" segmentTypeDescription="Air" segmentBeginTimestamp="2015-07-01T05:58:00" vendorCode="AD" vendorClassCode="1" supplierStatusCode="YK" confirmationNumber="SOMETHING" segmentNumber="1" manualBookingFlag="false">
                    <SegmentTraveler travelerIdRef="1"/>
                  <AirSegment aircraftTypeCode="E90" beginAirportCode="VCP" endAirportCode="FLN" classOfServiceCode="V" connectionType="false" eTicketFlag="true" flightNumber="4050" inFlightMealDescription="" travelDistanceValue="320">
                <Segment segmentEndTimestamp="2015-07-03T12:38:00" segmentTravelDurationValue="0120" segmentTypeDescription="Air" segmentBeginTimestamp="2015-07-03T11:18:00" vendorCode="AD" vendorClassCode="1" supplierStatusCode="YK" confirmationNumber="SOMETHING" segmentNumber="3" manualBookingFlag="false">
                    <SegmentTraveler travelerIdRef="1"/>
                  <AirSegment aircraftTypeCode="E90" beginAirportCode="A" endAirportCode="B" classOfServiceCode="G" connectionType="false" eTicketFlag="true" flightNumber="4064" inFlightMealDescription="" travelDistanceValue="320">
                <Invoice ticketNumber="8003674469" travelerRefId="1" exchangeTransactionFlag="false"/>
                <Segment segmentEndTimestamp="2015-07-03T11:18:00" segmentTypeDescription="Hotel" reservedUnitQuantity="1" segmentBeginTimestamp="2015-07-01T07:15:00" vendorCode="RT" vendorClassCode="3" supplierStatusCode="HK" confirmationNumber="000000000" currencyCode="BRL" segmentNumber="2" rateFareAmount="218.70" manualBookingFlag="false">
                  <HotelSegment cityCode="C" hotelPropertyCode="1234" propertyName="A HOTEL" roomAdultQuantity="1" roomTypeCode="C2T01J">
                      <HotelAddress type="Alternate" line1="AN ADDRESS"/>
                    <HotelFaxNumber phoneNumber="1234"/>
                    <HotelPhoneNumber phoneNumber="1234"/>
            <ReservationPCC pseudoCityCode="CI6C" supplierService="Sabre" pseudoCityType="Booking"/>
                <AgencyPhone phoneNumber="321321321321"/>


I need to be able to retrieve values โ€‹โ€‹and possibly lists of values โ€‹โ€‹from this XML using something like a request in the model response, but try my best, I can't get this to work and I need to hold my hands a little.

My last attempt looks like this by example and just doesn't work at all.

    select t.*
            sch_edw_stg.mdf_audit a, 
            xmltable(xmlnamespaces('' as "v1"
                                        ,'' as "resr"
                                        ,'' as "trans"
                                        ,'' as "xsd"
                                        ,'' as "xsi")
                          ,'for $d in resr:/CWTTravelReservation:Value
                            return $d' passing a.mdf_xml_text columns value varchar2(100) path '/') as t;  


and I tried many other permutations and examples from here and elsewhere. The best I can do is return two null values, and I'm pretty sure this doesn't allow for the exact identification of the node I need relative to the XML base.

This is the code that returns a bunch of zeros, but at least it works:

    SELECT xt.*
    FROM   sch_edw_stg.mdf_audit x,
           XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES ('' AS "e"),'/'
             PASSING x.mdf_xml_text
               "VENDORCODE"    VARCHAR2(255)  PATH 'e:vendorCode',
               "VENDORCLASSCODE" VARCHAR2(255) PATH 'e:vendorClassCode',
               "VENDORCLASSIFICATION" VARCHAR2(255) PATH 'e:vendorClassification',
               "VENDORNAME" VARCHAR2(255) PATH 'e:vendorName'

             ) xt;


Can anyone give me a working xquery example based on this XML and give me some pointers as to why my attempts are not working?




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1 answer

You need to pass the full path to the provider nodes, including specifying the appropriate namespace at each level:



And you are accessing the attributes of these nodes, so you need to use the syntax @

to see them in your PATH


select t.*
from mdf_audit a
cross join xmltable(
  xmlnamespaces('' as "v1"
      ,'' as "resr"
      ,'' as "trans"
      ,'' as "xsd"
      ,'' as "xsi")
  passing a.mdf_xml_text
    "VENDORCODE" VARCHAR2(255) PATH '@vendorCode',
    "VENDORCLASSCODE" VARCHAR2(255) PATH '@vendorClassCode',
    "VENDORCLASSIFICATION" VARCHAR2(255) PATH '@vendorClassification',
    "VENDORNAME" VARCHAR2(255) PATH '@vendorName'
) t;

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------
AD         1          Air                                      
RT         3          Hotel      SOME HOTEL SOMEWHERE          


SQl Fiddle .

In your last attempt, it is resr:/CWTTravelReservation:Value

simply distorted. In working-but-zero, you only look at the top level TravelReservationRequest

, which has no named child nodes vendorCode

, etc., hence zero results. And you are looking for nodes, not attributes anyway, with this path syntax. (You also have a discrepancy between


, but I suspect you pretend you are shaping the question and hiding the real values.)



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