Ransack: has_many via association awaiting paramsrows error
Here's a general approximation of my models with has_many using the scope that the parameter expects
class GlobalCompany
has_many :locations
has_many :global_company_forms, :through => :locations
class Location
belongs_to :global_company
has_one :global_company_form
class Company
belongs_to :global_company
belongs_to :subdomain
has_many :global_company_forms, ->(company) { for_company(company) }, :through => :global_company
class GlobalCompanyForm
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :subdomain_form
scope :for_company, ->(company) {where(:subdomain_form_id => company.subdomain.subdomain_form.id)}
class SubdomainForm
belongs_to :subdomain
Company.ransack (q) .result will call:
NoMethodError: undefined method `subdomain' for #<ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency::JoinAssociation:0x007fbd227f0850>
when ransack accesses this association passing in the association as "company" instead of the company record, hence method no
I've looked around but haven't found any similar examples and I can't figure out how to make the ransack respect this type of association / scope. The association itself works great outside of the search.
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1 answer
You just need to do the connection manually in your controller, specifying a table to get the results:
@q= GlobalCompany.joins(:location, :global_company_forum).ransack(params[:q])
And when setting up your form use:
<%=f.search_field :global_company_forum_name_contains%>
And to get the results, just wire the models together:
I developed this based on the discussion here .
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